The Writer, the 'Bot, and the Steemit Reader🤖

Is it a trick of perspective...?

"Not all those who wander are lost" - J.R.R. Tolkien

It must be a trick of perspective... It's not possible to be in three places at once, is it?

As a slightly schizoid personality, I'm usually of at least two minds about everything. But this is weird!

Suddenly, I find myself peering, in rapid succession, through three different sets of eyes. My perspective keeps rapidly shifting — from me (same-old-same-old), to something that feels very computer-ish (robotic?), and then, without warning, to an utterly, unaccustomedly, normal view of things.

What the heck is going on here?

A Private Conversation Between 'Bots

A Private Conversation Between 'Bots
Photo courtesy of Leonardo Valente and

The Writer:

Of course, this is my normal perspective. As a Steemit author, I'm always talking to myself - go ahead, ask my wife, she'll tell you!

You can hear me muttering things like "Why won't they read my articles?" and "I've never been flagged before, what changed?" or "I'm bored... when will that next John J. Geddes story show up?"

In other words, there's nothing new to see here... just move along.

The Writer's Perspective

The Writer's Perspective
Photo courtesy of Dustin Lee and

The 'Bot:

You may have heard that 'bot's don't chat much among themselves? Don't you believe it! We Steemit 'bots would never get anything done if we didn't compare notes.

Can you imagine how bored I'd get if I only made the rounds set for me by my creator? 'Bots are people too! We need friends. We like to share gossip, comment among ourselves, find out about other good writers.

Heck, if all I could read was this author's drivel, I'd be bored out of my skull! Thank god there are some good writers on Steemit!

'Bots *Everywhere*

'Bots Everywhere
Photo courtesy of Emmanuel Floriann Magto and

The Reader:

Hmmm... is this something I really want to read? Don't have much time today... But the title's kinda' interesting...

Hey, that's clever. Whoa, I never thought of it that way before. Who would have ever thought that theology could be interesting?

⬆️️CLICK!☑️️ Upvoted and Followed. I'll be back for more! Maybe I'll have time to read some of this guy's stuff later on.

The Reader's Perspective

The Reader's Perspective
Photo courtesy of James Tarbotton and


Thanks for your time and attention.
I wouldn't be here on Steemit if it weren't for you, my readers!
I have very eclectic interests and hope, over time, to write about all of them.

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