Which Would YOU Rather Find In 🐛Your🐛 Pepper?

"I try and eat really healthy when I'm home, but I certainly don't eat worms and snakes." - Bear Grylls

I sliced open a nice, juicy green pepper the other day,

and guess what I found inside? It was this nice, juicy, brown worm. Can you imagine how pleasant that was?

The Pepper With A Bonus Inside

The Pepper With A Bonus Inside
Original Image by @creatr

I've seen all too many reality TV shows in which people, for various reasons, deliberately eat worms. I'll be honest; eating worms doesn't particularly appeal to me. On the other hand, they say that these critters are high in protein.

I suppose if I were lost in the jungle, and had no other source of food... Even then, if there were any hope of rescue before starving to death, I would hesitate to put one of these babies in my mouth. Just thinking about it makes me cringe.

I can almost picture it now. I'm weak, on my last legs, hunger driving me nearly mad. Gagging a little, I tilt my head back, open my mouth wide, raise that squirming creature high, close my eyes, and release the little bugger, allowing it drop onto my tongue.

Plop! Trying not to gag, I think I'll just swallow the worm really quickly. However, this is not to be.

You see, swallowing is controlled by the autonomic nervous system. I can feel the critter writhing for a full three to four seconds as it slides down my esophagus toward where it will begin to be digested and to do some good. Oh, the horror!

Maybe I'll cook it. Yes, that sounds better! Damn, I don't have any way to start a fire.

I guess I'd better just avoid that particular survival situation. They say you never know what you're capable of until you are actually faced with a desperate life or death problem. Thankfully, thus far, I haven't had to figure this particular problem out.

And so, dear reader,

I'll close by reminding you of that old riddle. Which would you rather find in an apple? Would you prefer to find a worm, or half a worm?


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