Whispering Hope #6 - ~Relationships in Heaven~

A Theological Fantasy - Continued

"There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."
- Proverbs 18:24 -

Dear friend,

If you've stumbled on this (not having read earlier installments), you'll need at least a brief introduction...

Hi there!

I'm Duncan, and I'm writing to you from the New Heavens and New Earth, sometimes called "The Glory."

This is the latest in series of letters that I hope will get you excited about what's in store in the incredible future Jesus our God has prepared for those who believe.

But, hey, if you want to know more, start at the beginning of the series by clicking here, OK?

This may possibly be one of the hardest letters I've had to write, simply because (from where you are now), what I have to tell you may be nearly impossible to imagine. So, I'd better get started.

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The Pain of Flawed Relationships.
Image courtesy of Cristian Newman and http://unsplash.com

Although I haven't for many centuries,

for just a few minutes, I want you to think about pain — I'll go there with you, if only to help you understand.

I can remember the pain,

though it no longer troubles me.

Physical pain is one thing; but then there's emotional distress.

In the old, fallen age of the world, I found it far easier to tolerate the physical. The emotional pain I experienced, I found devastating.

The pain of betrayal —
the pain of being treated unfairly —
the pain of being despised —

That sort of pain was much harder to take.

The pain of loneliness... The pain of broken relationships.
Being belittled, ridiculed, verbally attacked. Having hurtful words hurled at me.

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The pain of loneliness...
Image courtesy of Alexandre Chambon and http://unsplash.com

The pain was almost intolerable,

especially when it originated with those close to me.

Nevertheless, you must start to understand. You must begin to believe. The perennial pain of human relationships is now completely gone.

There is none of that here. None.

No broken marriages. No lost loves. No domineering bosses. No bullies. No betrayals. Not even so much as a snide comment, or a hurtful slight. Love has conquered all, in every dimension of every human relationship.

Now that Heaven has broken in, now that Heaven and Earth are unified, we are all at peace.

At peace with one another, and with God.

I know it may be hard to imagine, but it might help if you were to think back to the happiest time you ever had in the company of others.

Maybe it was a Christmas holiday, home from school. Or a special occasion, celebrated with friends and loved ones. Maybe it was a vacation. Think about the happiest, most peaceful, pleasant time you've ever experienced, a time you felt truly loved.

Every day here is better.

I want to describe your life to come, the blessed experience of perfect interpersonal relationships.

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Friendship, perfect friendship...
Image courtesy of Hưng Nguyễn and http://unsplash.com

Believe it or not,

Every word here is spoken in kindness.
Every person you meet is your friend.
Each woman is your sister, every man, your brother.

At every turn, you find the father you never had, the loving mother you always wished for. They will not chide you, because you yourself are now the son or daughter, the man or woman, you always aspired to be.

When you travel,

your destinations are never foreign, they are only new. No matter where you may find yourself, you are no longer a stranger in a strange land. You are at home.

Have you heard the saying, "There's no place like home?" In our new, eternal ages, the reality is this:

"There's no place but home."

Everywhere you go, you are always at home. You feel at home. No one you meet is a stranger, each new acquaintance is one of your long-lost siblings. You are loved at first sight.

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The Joys of Friendship.
Image courtesy of Clem Onojeghuo and http://unsplash.com

You are loved.

Universally, and without exception. You have no enemies.

Where ever you go, you feel safe, because you are safe. You can walk any street, alone, day or night.

You never have to think about reserving a hotel; just knock on any door, and find yourself welcomed with open arms, cared for, fed, and lodged.

Never again will you feel left out, overlooked, forgotten. Everyone around you loves you every bit as much as you love yourself.

You love them right back, and instantly emotionally bond with everyone you meet. Everyone!

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Cared for, fed, and lodged. Anywhere.
Image courtesy of Toa Heftiba and http://unsplash.com

In the beginning, Jesus made man in his own image.

From eternity past, there was nothing but love among Father, Son, and Spirit. But because the image of God is infinitely glorious, perhaps it will help if you think of his image like this:

Imagine a sparkling gem with countless glorious facets. God is infinitely beautiful, interesting, capable, and skilled.

Being finite beings,

although Jesus formed each of us in his image, no one of us could possibly become everything that he is. And so, Jesus allocated a few of those brilliant facets of his personality to each of us.

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Multifaceted Friends.
Image courtesy of Omar Lopez and http://unsplash.com

As we get to know each other here in the Glory, it is as if God is combining facets of his image in new and different ways that have never before been on display. Every pairing, every grouping of two, three, or more, reveals a new and different facet of God's infinite glory to the universe.

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Loving friends.
Image courtesy of Zachary Nelson and http://unsplash.com

As we meet each new friend here,

we discover with delightful surprise, and share the way these facets of our personalities complement one another. God has prepared, in advance, for us to work together, to create together, to explore together, to make music together. We delight in our collaborative efforts every day and in every way.

Like the close friendship of Jonathan and David,

each new pairing of male friends becomes a new and exciting bromance. Each new relationship between women, a thrilling womance. Every grouping of two or more become a dynamic team, evidencing some perspective on the glory of God in new and dynamic ways.

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Loving friends.
Image courtesy of Kats Weil and http://unsplash.com

Believe me, you want this.

It is beyond wonderful here.

The friendship, mutual love and respect, and the cooperative synergy of any combination of God's people is always and ever will be a multi-dimensional blessing to all involved. Alone or in combination, we are God's crown jewels on display for all creation to see.

I look forward to seeing you when you get here. Don't miss it!

Meanwhile, I'll go back to thoroughly enjoying my active "retirement," my "eternal rest" from all the misery of the old fallen age of the world.

The Sandpipers - "Come Saturday Morning"

Don't forget;

what I've told you here about interpersonal relationships in the Glory has been carefully reviewed before release into "the knowledge base" of old Earth. Some things may have been redacted, relegated to the DND (Do Not Disclose) list.

If you really want to find out what's been redacted, make your own arrangements with Jesus. That way, you'll be here one day yourself to experience it all.

So far,

I've told you about the wonder of relationships in general; but what about relations between men and women?

Scripture is quite clear that in the resurrection we retain our sexual identity. And, while this may be difficult for you to accept right now, every burgeoning male/female interaction in the Glory has all the amazing possibilities and wonder of becoming a romance.

What's that you say? There's no marriage in heaven?

Yes there most certainly is. And, provided they aren't redacted, I'm going to share whatever details I can with you...

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What's that you say? Marriage in heaven?
Image courtesy of StockSnap and http://pixabay.com

Next time.

To be continued...

© 2017, Duncan Cary Palmer. All rights reserved.

"No longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will serve him."
- Revelation 22:3 -


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