How Does Dwelling Make You Feel Contest

Is traditional publishing Ded? Or maybe it’s just sleeping. In the meantime, I couldn’t be more thrilled to be publishing Dwelling on the STEEM Blockchain.

One of the most amazing things about this community is the incredible feedback you get on a creative project. With traditional distribution mechanisms, it’s often impossible to get into a conversation with your audience.

Here it’s easy.

And with that in mind, I’m launching the Dwelling Novel “How Did It Make You Feel” contest. With every chapter I publish I want to know your thoughts on the writing, the artwork, the characters, the story, the sense of place. What is it like to be immersed in the Dwelling world?

one of the fantastic illustrations by @opheliafu

The rules are simple:

  • In the replies to the next chapter, give us a sense of how it felt to read the chapter. What emotions did it bring up. What insights into your own dwelling and life did it bring about? What did you find compelling, uncomfortable, moving? What character did you empathize with and why? Did it bring any of your own memories or experiences to mind? You can even put yourself in the mind of one of the characters and let us know how you think they feel.

  • Tag the reply with #feeling-Dwelling

  • And be sure to Upvote and Resteem the Chapter.

  • The best response will be rewarded with 3 SBD.

That’s it!

Cant wait to get into the discussion with you!

If you missed the first chapter of Dwelling the Novel, you can check it out HERE.

Keep your eyes peeled for the second chapter of Dwelling.

Yours in the Chain,

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