The Allies of Old; Book Two- Renewal: Chapter Twenty-One "Risking Wrath"

Book Cover created in acrylic by the extremely talented @therealpaul

If you have not read the first book of the series, "Reborn", it is advisable you do so before reading "Renewal" or you will be lost. This link will provide you with a series summary as well as all sixty-eight chapters of Reborn

Chapter Twenty-One

Anna stood at the boundary of the property her heart drumming in her chest. It had been several days since she’d gotten drunk off her booty and things between her and Jared had not improved, if anything he was icier than before. Which, to put it lightly, made him completely unapproachable.

She still hadn’t worked up the courage to give him the letter she’d written and re-written, she couldn’t shake the fear that if he learned of her human background he would be done with her once and for all. And despite everything, that wasn’t what she wanted.

She was currently contemplating breaking his number one rule and leaving the premises, though the thought of being caught had turned her legs to lead. But she hadn’t checked in with her dad in over two weeks and she desperately needed to call him. Just a brief little-Hey how are you, I’m fine, love you, call you next week- would do, but in order to do that she needed a phone.

Jared had left about twenty minutes earlier. He was usually gone for hours, though once in a while she could feel him nearby as if he were observing her.

She wished she’d thought of doing this the day she’d found the scotch since Jared had left shortly after watching her dance on the roof and hadn’t returned until the following afternoon. Even in her drunken haze she’d been able to sense he’d gone a long distance away and it would have been nice to have the assurance that he wouldn’t catch her.

Unfortunately that seemed to have been an isolated incident. She wondered where he had gone because wherever it was it hadn’t improved his demeanor.

She made a frustrated sound in the back of her throat. If she was going to do this she had better stop waffling and get on with it, she was close to losing her nerve as it was. She stretched out her hearing and the sound of music filled her ears, some kind of shindig going on at what sounded like a bar, an excellent place to find a willing phone lender.

But what if he caught her? She shivered violently, butterflies wreaking havoc on her tummy. Don’t be such a Nancy, she told herself, what’s the worst thing he can do? She squeezed her hands into fists deciding it was better not to think of the worst things he could do. If she made it quick he would never know. Get in, call, get out.

Okay, let’s do this. She took a deep breath, dimmed, and blurred towards the music.

She stopped herself just outside of her destination and found it was indeed a pub. She located a convenient and inconspicuous place to undim and cautiously walked inside.

The place was filled with the upbeat sounds of fiddles and guitars, and the people inside were making merry in a big way. She scanned the room for someone who looked friendly.

“Yer a pretty lass, where’d ye come from?” A burly man appeared to her right holding a pint sized beer mug. Golden liquid was sloshing over the side and she had to scoot backwards to avoid getting splattered.

“Um, I’m not from around here, and I was wondering if I could use someone’s phone to call my father?”

“What’s this? American? Need a phone, sure,” he swung to the left splashing more beer, “Camilla, go’ a phone this American lass can use?”

A plump woman with a hearty smile approached them
digging a phone from her oversized purse. She held her hand out and Anna took it smiling gratefully. “Thank you so much, I won’t be long.”

“Oh Pah, don’t worry ‘bout that, ye jus’ be sure and get yer’self a toddy when yer done, it’s an engagement party and the more the merrier!” she grinned at Anna and bustled off.

Anna located the restroom and called her dad, feeling good about how little time she’d taken so far. It rang five times and his voicemail picked up. That was even better, she could assure him all was well in less than a minute!

“Hi dad, sorry I didn’t call, you won’t believe it but I lost my stinkin’ phone again, I know I have to be more careful. Um, I’m using a random person’s phone right now so you can’t reach me on it, but I’ll let you know when I get a new one. Oh yeah, I’m in Scotland at the moment! Anyway, hope everything is good with you, I love you.”

She hung up and left the bathroom doing a rapid search for Camilla but the burly man found her first and she handed the phone to him. She started to tell him to thank Camilla for her when a younger, less robust guy grabbed hold of her wrists and whirled her out on the dance floor.

She tried to pull free gently, but he was having none of it, forcing her to try and keep step or show her strength. “I can’t dance with you,” she raised her voice to be heard over the music, “I have a jealous boyfriend!”

“Eh? Where is the lad?” his brown eyes sparkled with mischief and she noticed he looked a little like the burly guy.

“He’s at home…look he doesn’t know I’m here and I really have to get back…”

“What’s tha’? Ye snuck off on him, did ye?” He continued dancing with her, grinning widely.

“I…yah sort of, I heard the music and couldn’t resist peeking in, but now I have to go, really.”

“Aw come on now, ye canna leave a party when ye jus’ arrived, can ye?” He released her arms and held out his hand. “Gabe,” he told her.

She took it. “Anna. Thanks for the dance,” she started to walk away but was accosted by two more drunken “lads.” One of them, a tall guy with reddish hair and a disarming smile, pushed a cup into her hand.

“The name’s Robert, and doona let Gabe fool ye, he’s no’ a good lad.”

“I claimed naught of the sort!” Gabe socked Robert in the arm.

“Ye want naught to do with either of these slackers,” the third one jumped in, “e’ryone kens Brian McClinnock is the bachelor of choice.” His blue eyes danced with merriment.

“She’s American, ya ken,” Gabe chimed in.

“Are ye then? What brings ye ta our fine country?”

Anna looked around nervously, she really had to go. “I wish I could stay and chat, really I do, but….

“She’s go’ a jealous boyfriend,” Gabe supplied interrupting her, “I think she’s widda wrong man. Is he Scottish?”

She shook her head then frowned, was he? He didn’t sound Scottish, his accent was unidentifiable.

“The wrong man fer sure.” Gabe nodded resolutely.

“Aye, e’eryone kens only Scots are real men,” Brian pounded his chest and they clinked glasses and drank.

Anna laughed truly wishing she could stay. “I’m sure you’re right, but how would you feel if three handsome guys were hitting on your girlfriend and preventing her from getting back to you?”

“Oooo, I’d have ta kick some handsome arses!” Robert exclaimed with a grin.

She started to back away again and nearly collided with Camilla. “Well there y’are!”

“I gave your phone to the, uh big guy, thanks so much…

The woman waved her hand dismissively, “Where’s yer drink gel, you really must try some of our fine Scotch, finest in Scotland made right here.”

She took Anna by the arm and bustled her over to a beautiful hand carved mahogany counter.
“Smitty, scotch on the rocks!” she turned to Anna, “It’s so mellow even an American can drink it straight, trust me hinney, you’ll love it.”

Anna bit her lip. How long had she been gone? The scotch was put in front of her and Camilla stood there beaming. She couldn’t be rude. She took a sip and her eyebrows popped. It was excellent.

“Delicious,” she said honestly.

The woman clapped her on the back, “See, what did I tell ye? Now ya drink up and have another, it’s an open bar today.” She pointed through the dancing bodies, “See that gel in the pretty pink dress? Tha’s my niece and she’s gettin’ married tae the handsome chap sittin’ behind her. We’ve been awaitin’ this engagement for an eternity it seems!” she laughed merrily, “come on I’ll introduce ye…oh what was yer name, hinney?”

“Anna.” Camilla took her arm again and she had to concede defeat. The only way she was getting out of here was by force, and she really didn’t want to leave, she was starved for company and friendly faces. He would probably find out anyway, she might as well enjoy herself and make it worth the punishment.

“Shannon! Meet Anna, she’s American!”

Shannon smiled revealing deep set dimples on a pretty freckled face. Her curly red hair was trying hard to break free of the clips holding it back. “What state do ye hail from?” she asked.

“New York.”

“Really? I’ve always wanted tae go ta New York!”

Her fiancée leaned forward and started singing “New York girls” and others chimed in. The next thing Anna knew the band was singing it making her thoroughly the center of attention.

An hour later she was holding a mug of beer and singing Happy Man with Shannon and her sister Delia, having more fun then she’d had in a long, long time. She was so caught up in merry making she didn’t sense Jared when he walked through the door.

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire

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