The Allies of Old; Book Two Renewal: Chapter Twenty-Two "Friend or Foe?"

Book Cover created in acrylic by the extremely talented @therealpaul

If you have not read the first book of the series, "Reborn", it is advisable you do so before reading "Renewal" or you will be lost. This link will provide you with a series summary as well as all sixty-eight chapters of Reborn

Chapter Twenty-Two

Jared stood in the back of the tavern, and unlike Anna no one attempted to approach him.

When he’d returned to the property and sensed she wasn’t there a small part of him had fluttered with panic. Stretching out his senses he’d quickly discovered where she’d gone. A fucking pub. Panic had swiftly turned to fury.

With visions of beating her, he’d blurred to the location thinking she was likely looking to drink something other than alcohol. But now that he was close enough to smell her he could tell she hadn’t yet indulged.

The only thing that kept him from crossing the room and choking her was his desire not to call attention to them since he had no plans to leave his estate anytime soon.
He took a moment to bring his dangerous temper under control then started in her direction, intending to simply guide her out the door and blur them home where he would thoroughly punish her.

He stopped mid step as she let out a peal of laughter.
Drunk again, he thought with malice, but as he took another step he realized he was wrong, she wasn’t drunk. From the scent of her she hadn’t consumed enough to inspire more than a weak buzz. She laughed again, throwing her head back and clapping her hands and he discerned that she was genuinely enjoying herself. It made him feel strange and kept him rooted to the floor.
His trip to London had proved an exercise in futility. The males had not been home and after waiting in their yard for over twenty fucking hours he’d decided to write a brief note and leave it in their mailbox. So far they hadn’t called.

Since her tendency to lie prevented him from asking her questions he’d resorted to observing her for the past couple of days in hopes of learning something useful or telling. She took long walks around his property, seemingly lost in thought. He would watch her go from frowning intensely to giggling, and sometimes she appeared to have conversations with the air around her. He would catch only a word or two but her lips would move and she’d make faces as if someone was talking back to her.

He had all but convinced himself she was out of her fucking mind. If not…she was damn perplexing.

He tensed and took another step forward as a young man attempted to pull her out on the dance floor, then halted once again. She was shaking her head and he heard the redhead next to her proclaim, “She has a boyfriend who wouldn’t approve, sod off Robert.”

He blinked in surprise but didn’t have time to process before a wizened old man approached her.

He bent towards her and said, “Yer the prettiest lass I’ve seen in a decade, next to Shannon and Delia here o’ course, would ye grace an ol’ man with a dance?”

She smiled and took his proffered hand. “Although my boyfriend might object to my dancing with the most handsome man in the room.”

He continued to stare as she was led onto the floor. His theory of her quest for human blood had been shot to hell by the redhead’s statement. If she was smart enough to understand that he would be angry about her dancing with a young male she had to know he would definitely be angry if she bit anyone.

He watched as the surprisingly agile old man whirled her around and was so transfixed by the look of pure joy on her face that he didn’t sense trouble come through the door.

“What’re ye doin’ here, bloodsucker,” a male voice hissed in his ear.

His breath stilled and he turned to face his accuser with measured calm. The large Lyncane exuded aggression and he scented three more of them to his back right.

“You don’t want a problem with me Dog, I promise you that,” he answered, his voice low and threatening.

A younger and smaller Lyncane came hurrying over, a look of excitement on his face. “Shawn look, there’s a female, and she’s dancin’ wid Abe!”

Shawn turned in Anna’s direction and every muscle in Jared’s body tensed.

“Take one step towards her, I fucking dare you,” he growled.

Shawn turned back to him, his eyes wide with shock. “But it’s daylight. And she’s fair.”

Jared inclined his head slightly keeping his body at ready, but sensed the other male’s aggression level diminishing.

“How is tha’ possible?”

Jared said nothing not knowing the answer to that himself.

“She’s yers then?”

He leveled his gaze at the male.

“And I guess since ye’re out in the day…” he looked back towards Anna, his eyes widening once more. “Is she a healer?” his voice neared a whisper and sounded almost reverent.

Jared still made no reply, but the smaller male became animated at the question.

“Is she? Tell us!” He was loud enough to draw attention and Jared watched Anna’s face pale as she spotted him.

Shit, shit, shit, ’m in trouble now, Anna thought. She noticed the males standing around him and her eyes widened as she caught their scent.

She excused herself from the old man and walked towards them, a mixture of fear and curiosity written plainly across her delicate features. The smaller male made a move toward her and Jared grabbed his forearm, growling in warning.

“Pip, careful lad.” Shawn warned then turned back to Jared, “He’s just a boy, he means no harm.”

Jared released him and focused on Anna who had halted several paces in front of him. She was chewing on her lip, something he’d often seen her do.

“Come here,” he commanded and she obeyed stopping directly in front of him with her head down submissively.

He pulled her toward him and turned her around so that her back was pressed into his chest. He locked one arm across her stomach and brushed his mouth across her ear. “Be calm.”

“We mean ye no harm,” Shawn said quietly. They had attracted too much attention and conversation was nearly impossible. “Would ye come outside with us?”

The younger male nodded his head eagerly while the other two stood a little ways back observing them.

“I don’t think so.” Jared answered flatly.

“Please, we’re in desperate need o’ a healer. Didna ken any existed in the world anymore, it must be fated for us to meet like this,” Shawn’s gaze had turned beseeching.

“Who’s hurt?” Anna chirped.

“Don’t speak to them!” Jared said sharply, tightening his hold.

“Our little brother.” Shawn glanced around and sent a silent message to his other brothers who drew the onlookers away so he could speak without being overheard.
“Five days ago he went against a host o’ evil and his mind has no’ returned.”

“Not our problem,” Jared turned away pulling Anna with him.

Anna dug in her heels and swiveled her head to look directly into his face. “I want to help.”

Surprise flickered in his eyes. “No,” he said simply but when he tried to take another step she dug in harder.

“If you don’t let me then you’ll find my bedroom door locked tonight.”

He blinked down at her, his lip curving in startled amusement. “And that would keep me out, how?”

She smiled ruefully at her silly threat then her expression turned imploring. “Please LeJarien, it’s my duty.”

She used his real name to remind him of his duty and his eyes narrowed at her manipulation.

“LeJarien?” Shawn’s tone grabbed their attention and they found him staring at Jared in awed disbelief. “LeJarienDe’dachielle?”

Anna nodded earning a dark look from Jared.

“My great grandda’ spoke of ye often when I was a lad!” Shawn’s whole countenance lit up and Pip cleared his throat nodding his head to the side to remind him of their audience.

Shawn lowered his voice, “His name was Amish McCullock.”

Jared’s eyes flared in recognition.

“So will you let me help them now?” Anna begged.

He looked down at her wondering why the hell she even cared. He frowned inwardly. Amish McCullock. He had been a great warrior and a good male. He looked at Shawn and sighed heavily. “Lead the way.”

Shawn took them to an old rusty pickup and his three brothers jumped into the far back. Jared climbed into the passenger seat and pulled Anna into his lap. He didn’t want any part of Shawn touching any part of her, he was on a razor’s edge as it was.

A few minutes later they pulled up a long driveway and Jared kept a possessive hand on Anna’s back as they were led inside the cobblestone cottage.

A woman hurried into the hall and stopped short as they came in, arrested by the sight of the massive vampire.

“Da!” Shawn called.

A large man came lumbering in and froze, his nostrils flaring wildly. “What is the meaning of this!”

“The female’s a healer, da,” Pip grinned at the older man.

“The female has a name,” Anna stated with a smile. She held her hand out to the aggressive male causing Jared to stiffen behind her.

She looked up at him and repeated the words he’d said to her. “Be calm.”

He scowled and she giggled, turning back to the now bewildered senior McCullock. “I’m Anna, this is LeJarien, and I’m here to help your son.”


“That’s right da, the LeJarien,” Shawn grinned widely.

“Hmph. Well, isn’t this an unlikely event? Okay then, if yer a healer, let’s see what ye can do.”

They were led to a small bedroom where a male who appeared no older than sixteen lay on the middle of a bed, wrists and ankles tying him to the bedposts. He was moaning and trying to thrash, his head flying back and forth.

His mother came up beside Anna and put a hand on her arm. “Do ye think ye can help him?” her voice was filled with anguish and Anna hugged the woman impulsively as she nodded.

She walked to the side of the bed followed closely by Jared. She looked up at his face which was tight with worry. “It won’t hurt me, only physical wounds hurt.”

He relaxed slightly as she knelt down putting her hand on the young male’s arm. She felt the darkness in him and gritted her teeth, remembering her own experience with frightening clarity. She drew in a breath and concentrated on pulling the madness from him.

She could sense him beginning to calm and when the last of the evil leeched from his body his eyes flew open and he yelled, “Shawn!”

“Right here li’l brother,” Shawn hurried over and Anna moved away for him to take her place.

She felt a little shaky. Even though it hadn’t hurt she had sensed his mental anguish and it affected her deeply.

The boy’s mother threw her arms around her, tears flowing freely down her face. “Oh thank ye, thank ye so much!”

The father cut the boy’s bonds and the entire family crowded around him telling him it was over and he was safe.

Anna watched the scene with a feeling of happiness and longing. To have a family who loved like this… She felt strong arms go around her and she turned into the warm chest of her mate. It was the first time he’d ever shown her affection and she was instantly overwhelmed by the rapid succession of events.

“Let’s go now,” he said quietly and she nodded. They slipped out of the room and he blurred her back to his home.

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire

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