UNPROVEN Chapter Eight "Surrealistic"

If you're loved by someone, you're never rejected, decide what to be and GO BE IT
-The Avett brothers


Recommend Reading Introduction to Unproven


Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
chapter Six
Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

He depressed his bottom lip with his tongue and leaned down to her ear. Brushing the hair away from it he cupped the back of her neck and spoke softly, yet his tone was anything but. “Are you asking me to fuck you, Aryanne?”

Oh Holy God, she had just jumped in the deep end of the pool before she’d learned how to swim. Her knees went weak and she was suddenly finding it difficult to breathe. She was aware of the pressure of his hand at her nape and the feel of his breath on the side of her cheek and she wondered whether he was going to lay her down right where they stood, which on one hand was straight out of one of her fantasies but on the other it was way too fast…she swallowed hard.

“Is that too strong a word?” He was still speaking in that silky yet dangerous tone, his lips hovering by her ear, and she forced herself to turn her head and look at him. But before she could open her mouth he was devouring it. He put his arm under her bottom and lifted her, licking and sucking at her lips as he pulled her legs around his waist. His body arched against hers as he thrust his tongue inside her mouth and continued to lick and suck until she was breathless.

When he pulled back it took a moment for her eyes to focus.

He narrowed his gaze on her. “Are you a virgin?”

She nodded weakly. “I’ve- never even done that before,” she stammered.

His brows shot up, “You’ve never even done what? Kissed someone?”

She nodded again, smiling in embarrassment. “You’re really good at it, I’m sorry if I’m not.”

Grayson stared at her with a look of utter bewilderment. “Wait, you’re saying you’ve never done anything before, but you want to have sex? Why?”

She took a deep breath and answered honestly. “Because you’re the only one I have ever wanted to do anything with. I hope this doesn’t sound creepy, but all the things I’ve never done in reality I’ve done in my imagination. With you. And when my friends and I decided we were going to leap off this bridge you’re the one I wanted to jump with.” She looked down, “Does that sound crazy?”

He uttered a short laugh. “Hmm. Crazy. Well it’s definitely a little out there.” She ducked her head even farther and he caught her chin, lifting it back up. “If you’re serious about this, you don't want to do it here, we need a room with a bed and privacy.”

Thank God, Ary thought, breathing easier. “Andie’s parents are out of town, we have a room.”

His brow arched, “Planned ahead, huh?”

She nodded, biting her lip again.

He looked down at her with an intensity that made her stomach flip before speaking. “Okay, here’s the deal…If you get me all worked up then change your mind at the last minute I’m gonna be really pissed, do you understand?”

“Yes,” she said in a small voice, then cleared her throat and said it with more authority. “I’m serious about this, I won’t change my mind. I have some grasp of the male anatomy, I wouldn’t be that cruel.”

A laugh escaped him and he shook his head, then his eyes narrowed slightly. “You’re not gonna cry when it’s over are you?”

She blinked, that hadn’t occurred to her. “No, I don’t think so, it does’t hurt that bad, does it?”

He smirked, “I wasn’t referring to physical pain, more the emotional aspect.”

“Oh. No, I won’t cry. And I won’t ask anything of you. I’m not foolish enough to think this will catapult us into a relationship as much as I might wish it. And I will never be one of those annoying stalker types, calling a hundred times a day. If all you want is a one-night thing I’ll understand, after all it’s me propositioning you, not the other way around.”

He stared at her in astonishment, completely taken off guard by her frankness. Most of those in his social circle played in subtleties. Games of maneuvering and manipulation were part of who they were, even if they were amateurs compared to him. Integrity was what he’d been looking for and it didn’t seem possible that the solution to his problem had literally dropped into his lap. No way could he be that lucky. Pretty, sweet, fairly intelligent- Jesus did he rub a magic lamp without realizing it? There had to be a catch. Well if there was, he wasn’t going to figure it out tonight, the moment he’d asked whether she wanted him to fuck her his cock had swelled into an iron mallet, and there was no coming back from that. His balls were so full that when he came he was going to explode.

He stroked the side of her cheek. “You into this party, or can we head to Andie’s now?”

She uttered a startled laugh. “Uh, I don’t care, we can go.”

“Okay then.” He draped an arm across her shoulders, then steered her around the side of the house toward his car. He’d fortunately had the foresight to park where he could still get out. When they reached it he popped the locks and the lights flashed, and as he opened the passenger door he was arrested by her expression. She wore the look of someone certain they were dreaming. She climbed in and he shut her door, jogging around to his side and sliding in. He started the car and glanced at her again. She still had that look of wonder as her eyes swept over his digital dash before landing on him. On impulse he leaned over and brushed his lips across her mouth. When he pulled back she was smiling at him in a way that made him feel like King fucking Tut. Holy Christ she had it bad for him.
He put the car in drive and pulled out. “Which way are we headed?”

“Take a left at the stop sign and follow it down to the interstate.”

He nodded and pressed the button on his steering wheel that controlled his stereo system. His docking station pushed out of the dash with a whirring sound, and again that look on her face as she stared as if she’d never seen a radio. Of course she probably hadn’t seen one like this, it was the latest model and most cars didn’t have them unless you paid an arm and a leg. He wondered about her family suddenly, what they did for a living. He knew she wasn’t rich based on the generic clothes she wore. Not that he cared, wherever that outfit came from it looked damn good on her.

He thought about asking but decided against it. Even though she appeared to be the perfect solution, he wasn’t making up his mind just yet, he’d get through tonight first, see how it went.

Ary stole another look at him as they rocketed down the interstate and inwardly shook herself. She was with Grayson. She was riding shotgun in his beautiful car. How many times had she imagined it? How many scenarios? And here she was sitting next to him on her way to…Holy Cow, she was suddenly terrified. She had no idea what she was doing, no experience with any of this. But there was no use thinking like that, she’d promised not to change her mind and she had a feeling his ‘really pissed’ was not something she wanted to experience. Besides, he knew she had no experience, he couldn’t hold it against her if she wasn’t any good. He might not want to repeat it, but he couldn’t be disappointed even if he’d never been with a virgin…she cast another look at him wondering how much experience he did have.

“Oh God, why didn’t I at least do some research?” She said under her breath.

He turned the music down, “What was that?”

“Nothing, I was just berating myself.”

His brow raised, “For what?”

“For not being more prepared.” She looked at him and smiled wryly, deciding to lay it out there. “I considered checking out some porn but couldn’t quite bring myself to do it. I should have read something about it at least. I mean I understand the basics, I’m not that ignorant.” Her voice trailed off as he put a hand over hers. Instantly the shaking subsided. She hadn’t even realized she was shaking until he did that.

“Relax,” he said quietly, “I’ll take it really slow, and don’t worry about not knowing what to do, I’ll show you. You’ll enjoy it, I promise.”

She took a breath and let it out in a rush. Wow. She smiled gratefully and he gave her hand a squeeze before moving it back to the stick shift.


Generously created for me by @son-of-satire

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