Do People Enjoy Electronic Dance Music? a Photographic Story

In This Post

  • Do People Enjoy Electronic Music? a Photographic Story
  • Benny Rodrigues @ Mary Go Wild Music Store Amsterdam
  • Nina Kraviz @ Rush Hour Records Store Amsterdam

Do People Enjoy Electronic Music?

a Photographic Story

While Benny behind the decks; Look closely at all the people! Really?
Fortunately this girl with the short dark hair is laughing, the only one! Well, also I was smiling which I always do when hearing good music. Counting Two then!

Super, the girl and guy started talking and laughing!
But the Rest?

The girl with the blond hair joins in...

...But the rest still look like they are on some funeral, or look simply bored while Benny was actually playing a very nice set...ok, the sound system was not that great, but whatever!

Mary Go Wild: Benny Rodrigues

Some close up shots of mister Benny Rodrigues aka ROD, his techno alter ego.

Many people wanted an autograph; This girl got one.

Some of the well respected people in the scene: Richie Hawtin at the top, Laurent Garnier just below and Duncan Stuttenheim at the bottom.

The shop was that small!

Rush Hour: Nina Kraviz

Something Russian on the board: Apprently this is cyrillic for "Trip" which is Nina's label. She was pumping serious Techno when we arrived! A shame the sound system was be far from good (again). Well for this type of techno it is best the hear it over a solid festival setup, or in Berlin's Berghain (that club has simply the best sound system setup in the whole wide world).

Although the lightning is terrible, I didn't want to withhold these photographs of Nina in action.

Rush Hour is quite a bit bigger than Mary Go Wild, but it is still small, packed to the ceiling with tropical temperatures.

And all these people still wanted to get in, while Nina was finishing up her set.

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