ALARM CLOCK DAWN (An Original Novel - Episode 16)

Yesterday we saw but a glimpse of Evelyn’s integrity and fire and Johann demonstrated just how quickly he can think on his feet. Today we will get see a little deeper into Johann’s sociopathic tendencies that have so far have only been eluded too. The plot pace is beginning to quicken considerably and get more complex. Welcome to today’s episode of Alarm Clock Dawn and thank you for continuing with me on this journey!

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Did you miss Episode 15 of Alarm Clock Dawn? If so click here to read it.

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Johann had again found himself in complete control. The board members seated around the table were silent, their looks of reverence showing the awe they felt in Johann’s foresight and leadership.

“I can’t do this alone. I need the support of this distinguished board to carry out this plan any further. There are risks, but if successful, I assure you it will benefit our shareholders and ensure the continued success of everyone in this room tonight. Shall we have a vote?”

Not a moment was wasted. A resounding Yes was heard around the table. Johann's instinct, wit, and charm had served him well again.

The board members pushed back their chairs and rose from the table.

“Ms. Poltier, will you join me?” Johann asked as the two walked toward the brushed steel elevator doors.

The director inserted his hand into the reader and the elevator doors opened. ”Top Floor,” he commanded.

As soon as the doors closed the director grabbed Evelyn forcefully by the arm. His large hand encircled it tightly like a vise and she winced as he clamped down harder. “Listen to me. You so grossly overstepped your bounds with such brazenness today that I have a feeling this isn't the first time—just the first time you’ve done it to my face.”

“The collider was never part of our agreement with them,” Evelyn argued. She defiantly pulled her shoulder back, freeing her arm from Johann’s grip. “They never intended us to have this technology. We don't understand it. You're flirting with disaster here. Don't you realize that?”

“Who do you think you are to question me? Despite the nature of our past relationship, if anything like this ever happens again, there will be grave consequences. You could have caused some real problems in there with the board. I have a helpful little lesson in following orders planned for you, Ms. Poltier.”

Evelyn’s gaze fell to the ground and her bottom lip quivered.

Johann then ran the back of his hand softly across Evelyn’s cheek. “Things will become easier for you, Ms. Poltier, when you learn it is best to trust me fully. We are in a high stakes game, and when playing these types of games, it is sometimes necessary to know exactly what information to reveal and what information to withhold. I will not stand for this insubordination again. This one warning is all you will get. Do you understand?”

Evelyn stared blankly ahead.

“I said, do you understand?” He stomped his heel, garnering more of her attention.

Evelyn quickly nodded her head. “Yes, yes!” She wiped away her tears with the edge of her crisp white shirt sleeve just as the elevator doors parted.

Captain Ellis, commander of XenTek security, was waiting for them as they stepped out. The captain wore a crisp black uniform and highly polished black boots that rose just below his knees. He handed Johann a small glass jar and stoically grabbed Evelyn by the same sore arm she had just wrestled free from Johann.

“Come with me,” the director said as he led them down the vacant hallway. The only noise was the hard leather soles of Johann's shoes clicking against the tile floor.

They stopped at an unassuming green metal door, its most prominent feature a heavy brass padlock. “Ah, we are here. Open the door, captain,” Johann ordered.

Johann removed his reading glasses from the inside pocket of his jacket, unfolded them and slid them onto his nose as he held the jar to the light. “Look closely, Ms. Poltier. This vial contains one of nature's most dangerous creatures, one little black widow spider. It desperately needs looking after. We are going to have a little lesson in following orders tonight, Ms. Poltier. Do you understand?”

Evelyn began to weep quietly again as she nodded her head. As she did so, Captain Ellis inserted a large key into the lock and the door creaked open. The small room was completely windowless and bare except for an old metal filing cabinet in the corner and a flickering two-bulb fluorescent light hanging unevenly from the tiled ceiling.

“This will be your quarters for the night. I have instructed the captain to set this itsy bitsy spider free in your care.” Johann shook the glass vial in front of Evelyn's face. She could hear the dark, long-legged spider thump against the thin metal lid as it scurried frantically inside.

“Your orders are to babysit this for the next twenty-four hours. Pay close attention to this scurrying spider because when cold she will seek the warmth of your body heat. If our little friend gets lost or is not as every bit as happy and healthy as it is now, you will fail the lesson and will have to suffer the consequences. Oh and don’t forget, one bite from this particular species of spider would likely be quite fatal.”

Evelyn stared angrily at Johann through her tear-swollen eyes. “You demented son of a bitch,” she whispered, lips barely moving. Johann raised his hand to slap the disrespect from her face but then quickly pulled it away. He chuckled realizing the agony of these next twenty-four hours would trump any temporary pain that he could inflict.

“Have a pleasant evening, Ms. Poltier. Oh, and best of luck to you.” He nodded to the captain and turned, whistling a lively tune as he walked away.

Alarm Clock Dawn is the first novel of a trilogy. The sequel entitled, Truth Is Stranger, will be published in the Spring of 2017.

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