ALARM CLOCK DAWN (An Original Novel - Episode 44)

In the last episode Seth informed Dr. Neiman that Johann’s instructions were to set the Phoenix Collider to bring the team a full one hundred years into the future. It was Johann’s goal to go that far into the future so the team could reap the most benefit from the technology that was harvested (stolen) from their own company, XenTek.

Against Johann’s wishes, Seth instructed Dr. Neiman to dial the collider back to fifty years instead of one hundred. Seth was, indeed, growing into his leadership role. He understood that technology was evolving exponentially now and infusing a century’s worth of technological evolution all at once might be catastrophic to the people of his own time.

To everyone’s surprise, Johann showed up at the Phoenix Collider just before the scheduled jump-time. He insisted that he would be personally taking part in the mission. Just before countdown Johann strapped himself into an empty seat of the craft, prepared to take the ride of his life. Johann had no idea what he was about to experience. You see, some people don’t understand the concept of karma because they don’t feel that the evil and unjust are always properly punished for their misdeeds. The reality of karma is its retribution always comes to those who deserve it but it happens in its own time and in its own way.

Welcome to today’s episode of Alarm Clock Dawn! I hope you enjoy it!

Did you miss Episode 43 of Alarm Clock Dawn? If so click here to catch up.

Are you new to Alarm Clock Dawn? If so click here to start at the beginning.

“I really wish you'd reconsider this.”

“I am not changing my mind.” Johann put up his hand to silence Seth and then began to buckle himself in.

Seth's chest heaved with a deep sigh of frustration as he rested his hand on Johann's shoulder. “Okay, you know how this works, right?”

“I have watched the video footage of the first jump a hundred times. I could do this in my sleep, Busby.”

Seth paused for a second, speechless, and then looked at Dr. Neiman with eyebrows raised. Neiman shrugged. “You heard the director. Let's get this jump underway!”

Not two seconds later the security team of five came up the ramp of the craft in single file and secured themselves in their seats. They looked as though they were all cast from the same mold. Each of the security officers weighed around 230 pounds, stood six feet tall, and wore their hair close-cropped. All the five shared the same look of astonishment when they recognized the CEO of their company strapped into the craft.

“Godspeed, director,” Seth said as he shook Johann's hand. He walked down the ramp as the hydraulics closed the hatch with a hiss. His damned legacy is going to be the death of me.

“T-minus thirty seconds to jump” Dr. Neiman's voice rang out clearly over the intercom.

On the video monitors the control room staff watched in awe at Johann's total calmness, as if he were relaxing in his own easy chair.

Dr. Neiman counted down into his microphone, “Five, four, three, two, jump!”

Seth, Dr. Neiman, and the scientists in the control room heard the familiar muffled pop resembling a camera’s flash bulb, heard a slight hum of vibration, and smelled electricity in the air. The lights in the whole compound dimmed as the metallic craft flickered in and out of view for a moment and then disappeared entirely.

Seth pounded his fist in his open hand in frustration as he paced back and forth. “How long will this damned trip take, Neiman?”

“Well, the theory says that no matter how far forward you travel, it happens very fast on this side. If we understand it correctly only a few minutes should pass. It’s fascinating, really.”

Nieman squinted his eyes and cupped his hand behind his ear. “Wait, do you hear that—?” Before Neiman could even finish, Seth heard a familiar high-pitched whine that was growing progressively louder.

Suddenly the holographic displays in the control room began to flash off and on and the craft began to flicker before them like a weak projection, gradually appearing solid again. A thin layer of frost covered the outer surface of the craft. The hatch slowly opened, and the director came into view at the top of the ramp. As he came into the light, he appeared dazed. All the color was drained from his unusually emotionless face, and he was slowly stumbling down the ramp out of the craft.

“Sir, are you alright?” Seth asked as he ran to help the director down the last few feet of the ramp. Johann was unresponsive and shaking. Eyes that were typically full of fire and life were just staring straight through Seth into complete nothingness.

“Oh my God, I think he's gone into shock. Alert the medical team! Now!” Seth screamed as he tried his best to keep Johann upright on his feet. Seth put his hands on either side of Johann's head and looked him straight in the eyes. “Sir, what happened?”

Johann's eyes widened for a moment and his head shook slightly from side to side. Seth moved in close and a quiet gurgle came from Johann's throat as he tried to mumble something. He took a deep breath then suddenly his eyes rolled back and he collapsed. Johann Pfizer, the all powerful CEO of the mighty XenTek, lay crumpled in the fetal position on the floor at Seth’s feet.

An emergency medical team burst through the double doors of the control room and quickly fitted Johann with an oxygen mask. They struggled to load Johann onto a gurney as he body shook violently. Seth reached down to touch the director’s cold hand before the medical team whisked him out of the room.

“What the hell just happened, Neiman?” Seth asked. The rest of the scientists and technicians stood frozen in silence.

Neiman typed away furiously at his holographic workstation. “We will soon find out. We recorded every moment of the mission. I just have to access the ship’s database, and the footage will appear on the screen momentarily.”

Suddenly, a holographic projection came down into the middle of the control room as the team circled around, waiting intently for the video feed.

“Yes!” They watched Johann shout with excitement and eyes wide open as the electrostatic charge made his gray hair and even his bushy eyebrows stand at attention. The rest of the security team had their eyes closed, holding to their harnesses with a death grip.

Despite the seriousness of what had just happened, a few chuckles were heard around the control room as they witnessed Johann, well, being Johann.

The electrostatic charge left the air in an instant and the security team at once began unbuckling themselves with military precision. Johann was seen turning on his Holo, and a look of frustration appeared on his face as he tapped it on the side.

“There's something wrong with the reception. It is not picking up any broadcasts. Quickly, check your devices!” The security team stood, powered up their Holos, and then shook their heads.

“Nothing, sir,” the team leader answered. “We get nothing but static.”

(All gifs sourced from

Tune in every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for new episodes of Alarm Clock Dawn! The final episode including a ENORMOUS plot twist will be read by yours truly live at the first annual SteemFest in Amsterdam on Saturday, November 12th.

Alarm Clock Dawn is the first novel of a trilogy. The sequel entitled, Truth Is Stranger, will be published in the Spring of 2017.

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