ALARM CLOCK DAWN (An Original Novel - Part 3)

Welcome, our journey continues today with Part 3. Yesterday you met the antagonist, the Johann Pfizer. In today's installment we introduce the protagonist, Adam Harkin.

I discovered yesterday that Alarm Clock Dawn is likely the very first full novel to be offered here on Steemit! How cool is that?! All I can say is I'm very honored. I hope you enjoy today's story! I always welcome your questions and comments below.

Did you miss Part 2 of Alarm Clock Dawn? If so click here to read it.


Johann pulled himself up tall, throwing his shoulder into Tristan and watching as the host stumbled backwards. As Tristan regained his balance, the two stood face-to-face just inches apart.

“Implode in my face, you weasel?” Johann growled through his teeth. “The only thing that will implode will be the credit scores of those lazy, bearded vermin out there. Mr. Mack, you just don’t get it. As long as we live in a material world there will be haves and have nots, so you’d better get used to that. Maybe they should be more concerned with providing for themselves instead of wallowing in the jealousy of what they don't have. These protesters will soon be taken away to jail and tomorrow they will find themselves in the Red range. I suggest you ponder their fate unless you wish it to be your own.”

The director then took a step back, straightened his suit coat, and forced a smile. As he turned towards his team who stood ready to accompany him to the next interview, he turned his head slightly so he could hear Tristan reprimanding the camera man for not recording that last exchange of words. Amused, he pulled the Holo from his pocket and began to type a message to Captain Ellis, the head of XenTek’s security.

Contact the chief of police. Tell him to have each of these protesters arrested immediately. They shouldn’t have been allowed to congregate there anyway. Law enforcement should have known this.

I apologize, director. Consider it done.

Begin to track Tristan Mack, Johann continued to type. He is now on the watch list and will be monitored at all times.

A nano-drone will be dispatched immediately, Captain Ellis replied.

“Mr. Mack, you have no idea of the scope of my power,” Johann mumbled. “But you will soon find out.”

Chapter 2

Adam Harkin was engrossed in the 5” by 5” metallic box on the table before him. Small metal tubes jutted out of the left and right sides.

He studied the strange hieroglyphic symbols covering the entirety of its surface, and then he picked it up, running his fingers across the box’s iridescent edges. Even the metal itself had strange qualities. It seemed strong but was almost weightless, and its color seemed to change depending on the angle at which he was looking at it. His boss hovered over him like a mother hen, hoisting herself onto her toes and impatiently leaning over his shoulder, blocking his light.

Adam sighed in frustration, brushing his blond hair away from his forehead. He then took a deep breath and closed his eyes, cradling the object in his hands at chest level.

When Adam had been hired at XenTek, he had been sent to work alongside a group of distinguished scientists whose sole purpose was to solve all sorts of technological riddles. Holding the highest concentration of genius the world had ever known, this particular department had no name, and it wasn’t listed anywhere in the corporate directory. It was a virtual sweatshop for those with high intelligence. Every morning management wheeled a cart of these “puzzles” into the lab, and the scientists were tasked with figuring out what the boxes were filled with and how the items worked. There were times when Adam marveled at the idea that a corporation would pay an entire group of people who held advanced degrees to do this kind of monotonous work.

The higher an employee was on the ladder, the more lavish the bonuses became and the higher his credit score rose. It didn't take long to learn that the corporate hierarchy was tightly defined. People of different levels didn’t mix socially and, naturally, the further up on the ladder you were, the smaller your circle of friends became. There was another unwritten rule followed to the letter: with each step up, you had to learn to suppress the very things that once made you unique, slowly trading away pieces of yourself for material rewards, more impressive job titles, and the all-important top tier credit score.

Adam’s job had seemed much easier than it really was. The frustrating thing about the technological “puzzles” was that oftentimes what was before him was just a very small part of the whole, making the riddle especially difficult to figure out.

He would never forget the tour he took on his very first day ten years ago. He was led into a laboratory very similar to the one he was currently working in. He remembered how dark, sterile, and controlled it seemed. His tour guide that first day was Dr. Holbrooke, a manager that seemed like a giant in more ways than one. Dr. Holbrooke’s height was exaggerated by his long white lab coat and well-tailored pants. Dr. Holbrooke was polished, poised, and well spoken—everything Adam aspired to be.

“You are about to enter the land of make-believe,” the doctor had whispered. “Not a word of any of what you see here can be shared with anyone, not even your closest friends. Is this understood?” He said it in a way that made Adam feel special, like a member of a very exclusive club. With the lump of gratitude wedged in his throat, he could manage only a nod.

At the end of the tour, the doctor had pulled Adam aside. “Please remember as you start your career that unauthorized sharing of any of the secrets of this corporation are grounds for immediate termination,” he had warned Adam. “Take good care of XenTek, and XenTek will take good care of you.”

With eyes wide, Adam nodded sternly.

To be continued...(the next installment of Alarm Clock Dawn will appear right here on Steemit tomorrow!)

Alarm Clock Dawn is the first novel of a trilogy. The sequel entitled, Truth Is Stranger, will be published in the spring of 2017.

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