Reinvent Yourself (free book giveaway)

What's the difference between someone who finds success and someone who just habitually chases that next big dream?

I've asked myself this question almost every day in my twenty-three year writing career, oftentimes while banging my head against the wall repeatedly. A few years ago I finally found the answer...A Mentor.

Rewind to 2012. I was working myself into the ground in a stressful corporate job and felt completely trapped. I was stuck in cubicle for sixty (plus) hours each week and working on my first novel for another twenty or more hours a week. It was like working more than two full time jobs. Whatever time was left was spent trying to somehow maintain relationships with my spouse, family, and friends. Maintaining life balance was a losing battle because I was so stressed I wasn’t sleeping.

Still, I had a dream that gave me hope. I was convinced my novel would free me from this living hell. I published the book in late 2012 and sales took off immediately, four and five star reviews poured in. The plan appeared to be working. Then after a few months, sales completely flat lined.

I was crushed. I thought to myself, This is your life. You're just not good enough, writing is just a hobby for you. You'd better just put on your big boy pants and deal with it.

A few months later I found an unassuming book called, Choose Yourself by James Altucher. I read the entire book in one sitting on a flight home to Ohio. I had read a plethora of self-help and business books prior to this but none resonated quite like this one.

Choose Yourself addressed nearly everything I was going through at that moment. It was like James wrote this book specifically for me.

I immediately began to put into practice things James suggested in Choose Yourself like:

  • writing down ten ideas every day;
  • eating well, sleeping 8 hours a day;
  • eliminating as much negativity from life as possible;
  • reading (from a book) every day; and
  • practicing gratitude incessantly.

When I began this daily practice my life started to improve dramatically. The positive changes were addictive and I wanted more. I subscribed to James' podcast on iTunes and would spend my lunch hour at work listening to it. His guests are some of the most interesting people on the planet and they shared practical tips that can be integrated into your life. Through listening the podcast it wasn't just like having one virtual mentor but several.

Thanks to James’ virtual mentorship and a few years of intense work on myself 2016 brought personal success larger than I ever imagined.

James just published a new book, Reinvent Yourself.

This book will teach you ways to master the art of reinvention in your own life. In the coming years it will be imperative to master this skill of reinvention to survive and prosper through times of unprecedented change.

I hope my personal narrative proves that it’s never too late to change your life. Life will never be perfect and none of us can foretell the future. Despite this, you have the power within you to be the best version of yourself and drastically improve the quality of your life.

The truth is only one person in the world can do the work to get you there -- and that’s YOU. But great mentors can give you a shortcut and save you from wasting valuable time making mistakes.

Would you like a free copy of James’ new book, Reinvent Yourself?

If so, share one way you’d like to reinvent yourself in the next year in the comments below. Five commenters will be chosen randomly at the time of post closing to receive a free copy of James’ new book Reinvent Yourself (the books are being graciously donated by @outreach.)

Have a wonderful weekend Steemians! Never forget...the more you live with your heart, the richer you are.

I am an American novelist, poet, traveler, and blockchain enthusiast. Your upvotes, comments, and resteems are always appreciated!

Eric Vance Walton - Media





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