SPIT SHINE (An Original Poem)

Old towels torn
into even strips
and a dented
tin of Kiwi, black

you turn the
silver key
and wherever you sit
becomes an
esoteric space,
an escape from
and servitude

keep that towel
a' snappin,
spit shine

long ago a drill sergeant
taught you the trick,
a sure way to heal
the sickness you feel
so you may pass
through the fright
of any long, dark night

keep that towel
a' snappin,
spit shine

so polish away
the dullness and dirt
into a pride
you can see
your face in

you've done it
all your life
trash into treasure,
boys into men

hold high your head
defeat has taught
you to know victory
rejection has taught you love
when the world doesn't
always fit you like a glove

keep that towel
a' snappin,
spit shine.

Did you miss my last poem? If so, read it here.

I produce limited edition, handmade poetry chapbooks twice per year. Please visit my website to sign up for my author newsletter go receive updates on when the next poetry chapbook is available!

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