Steemit Blockchain Memory Project

Memories make us who we are. With each memory we make we create a new passage in our book of life. Shared memories can also allow us to learn about other cultures, generations, and important historic events much better and more accurately than history books.

As I venture further into middle age I also see how fragile memories really are. My father, diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease about a year ago, struggles to remember on bad days. On good days he still sometimes tells me a story from his past that I’d never heard of and, for me, it’s like striking gold. Some of the stories he tells me, like hitchhiking across the country and taking odd jobs along the way to survive just wouldn’t happen today.

A few weeks ago my wife Raymi, @dougkarr, and I were sitting at our neighborhood bar enjoying a drink or three on a gloomy day when the seed for the idea of this project was born. We were discussing how different childhood was in the 1970’s and sharing harrowing childhood memories that would likely never happen today in this era of helmets, iPads, and play dates.

I had never really thought of it before but childhood in the seventies was a strange mashup of strict discipline (when needed) and unbridled freedom most of the time. This made for some interesting adventures and a fair share of character-building in the form of bumps, bruises, and broken bones.

The world has changed so drastically in the past few decades and will change even more quickly in the decades to come.

How Does Blockchain Enter into this Equation?

Blockchain is an immutable ledger capable of storing data (i.e., these memories) in a decentralized and searchable way, theoretically forever. Can we say match made in heaven?

Rules of Engagement

  • Share any significant memory you’d like to. Think about things that have shaped who you are or may be unique in some way. Think about memories you’d like your great-great-grandchildren to read write posts about these memories in your Steemit blog.
  • Use proper tags (see below)
  • Share a link to this post in all of your Blockchain Memory Project posts so others can find the rules.
  • Share your posts with your friends and family on external social media outlets (optional but encouraged).

The Key is in the Tags!

We want your memories to live on forever. We also want those memories to be searchable by those who might be looking for them in the future.

For this reason, I suggest the following tags for your first four - “Story Life Blog BlockchainMemoryProject”.

Your last tag should be very specific to what you’re writing about in your post, something that will help people who are searching for it on the internet.

I'll be sharing memories of my own along the way.


Each month I will comb through the posts tagged with “BlockchainMemoryProject” and choose my favorites. The post owners will receive a surprise in their wallet...a portion of a monthly prize of 10 Steem! Note: all rules of engagement must be followed for your post to qualify.

As always, I thank you for reading.

Yours in the Chain,


(Gifs sourced from

Please follow our official Steemit account for the film series @hardfork-series. Did you miss our last post? If so CLICK HERE to read it!

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*I am an American novelist, poet, traveler, and crypto-enthusiast. If you’ve enjoyed my work please sign up for my author newsletter at my website. Newsletter subscribers will receive exclusive updates and special offers and your information will never be sold or shared.
My book on meditation, The Perfect Pause, is priced at $12.99 (paperback) and $4.99 (eBook). Buy the paperback and receive the eBook for free!

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