Not long ago you stood tall
with heads held high,
reminding all passers by
that it was summer and
smiles come easily

now the days grow cool
and they grow short
you've so graciously
given the birds
the last of yourselves

now you stand stooped
and shriveled, dark against
the vibrant palette of autumn
and a collective feeling
of dread has gathered,

you’ve given us the gift
of the memory of
what you once were

the value you added
to our days was subtle
but it was immeasurable

all we can do is scatter
the seeds of our
wishes into the wind
and dream well of
your quick return.

Did you miss today's episode of my serialized novel, Alarm Clock Dawn? If so click here to read it.

As you can see from the photo above, I've been writing for a really, really long time. These past few months on Steemit have truly been a lifelong dream come true for me. There are many more very exciting things I have to share with you in the coming months! To follow my unfolding story please visit my website here to sign up for my author newsletter so we can stay in touch. Good night and thank you!

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