Time Travel 101

I entered a writing contest sponsored by Garrison Keillor a while ago. It was called, “Dear You” and the theme was to write a poem in the form of a letter to any living person.

I chose to write a letter to my twenty year old self, have no clue what implications it would have. I didn’t win BUT the act of writing it provided me with some great insights, so it wasn’t a total loss.

Writing this letter caused a sort of paradigm shift within me and allowed me realize how far I’ve progressed in some ways and have fallen short in a few others.

It was so helpful to me I urge you to try writing a letter to your twenty year old self and see how deeply it impacts you.

If you try this, and feel comfortable sharing it, please copy a link to your post in the comments below and tag the post with #timetravel101!

Here’s mine:

Dear twenty-year old me:

You are much stronger than you think and in the next twenty years the world will test that strength to the fullest.

Life isn’t anything remotely as you imagine it to be, it’s much tougher and more beautiful than you can understand right now.

Don’t believe anything you hear in the news, read the history books, or are told from any government.

Find the thing you love more than life itself, pursue it with all your might.

Trust others but consider their intentions.

Be gentle with yourself and others.

Celebrate each success, no matter how small. Try not to judge. Run towards your fears as if your life depends upon it.

Everybody feels insecure inside, some people are just better at hiding it. Don’t worry so much about what others think of you. Tell the truth, especially to yourself. Be more attentive to the elderly and children.

One day you will switch roles with your parents. Remember all of those times you made your parents worry? Well, get ready, karma is coming for you.

Enjoy each moment, right now it feels like you’ll live forever but time is incredibly short. Never put your dreams on hold for anyone, or you will resent them for it.

Pursue freedom, not material things. Success usually exists just outside your comfort zone. If you expect to accomplish great things don't expect to live a safe or ordinary life.

Cars are a huge waste of time and money. Spend your money on experiences. Don't have any expectations about other people.

Pay attention to your pets, they are more intelligent than you think they are and have many lessons to teach you in their short lives. Nothing hurts as much as regret. Watch the sunrise at least once a year.

Don’t worry so much about your credit score. Say yes to as many things that scare you as you can. Everything is going to turn out great.

Carry a Swiss army knife. Buy internet stock in 1997, sell internet stock before March 10, 2000. Mullets aren’t sexy. Some people aren’t meant to be your friends for life and that’s okay. You will write a novel. Have more fun, worry less. Buy quality stuff that can be repaired. Cost doesn’t always equate to quality.

Much of life is outside your control, get used to it. Learn to make the most out of (and find the lesson in) every situation.

Net worth doesn’t equal self-worth. Don’t be afraid to get lost. Talk to strangers. You will eventually get wiser. Really listen to people when they speak instead of thinking what you’ll say next. Dance every single chance you get. Don’t be in such a freaking hurry to grow up.

Be yourself, always. Do yoga at least three times per week. Meditate more. Your dreams will come true...but it'll take longer than you think.

Your heart will be broken, you will recover, it will be broken again, you will recover (again). Watch less television. Butter isn’t bad for you but margarine is (I know it sounds crazy!) Learn to trust your instincts.

Although your forehead will be considerably higher, you will not be completely bald by the time you’re forty. You will meet and marry the love of your life. Beagles are incredibly awesome dogs.

Write every single day. Travel as often as you can, even if you think you can't afford it.

Although you will never have biological children of your own will get to experience some of the joys of fatherhood with your stepson. It’s awesome.

This thing called cryptocurrency will be invented in a few decades, Steemit will come later...both will change your life in wonderful ways.

I love you, I really do, but I’m so glad I’m not you anymore.

(signed) Forty-six year old me.

(Gif compliments of Giphy.com, photo is original.)

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*I am an American novelist, poet, traveler, and crypto-enthusiast. If you’ve enjoyed my work please sign up for my author newsletter at my website. Newsletter subscribers will receive exclusive updates and special offers and your information will never be sold or shared.

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