The Symbiotic Protocol - Chapter 15 (1 of 2) (My Original Novel)

Chapter 15 (1 of 2)

A rising expectation of dread combined with jubilation saturated Drucker’s thoughts. Major inroads to his investigation had been carved out just a few short moments ago. Showing the wheels were already turning. In fact, they had been ever since this case first started. It was just a matter of patience and letting the facts unveil themselves all on their own. However, who could have possibly known that? After all, a detective’s job is to assess clues from all logical angles, interpret them in relation to the crime and act in accordance. Every half decent cop knows you eat, sleep and breath a case you are given. He realised that only too well having served in law enforcement for all the years he had. No expenses spared, no barriers drawn up. No incumbrances from personal affiliations. However, even at the cost of his wife, Gwen? Had life really sunk this low, he thought.

The relentless ticking of a woman’s biological clock can prove to be a heavy cross to bear. A powerful one at that. Strong enough to wreck relationships, destroy lives and erase love. Despite numerous reshuffles to his personal circumstances, Drucker was unable to find a balance between marital and work life. It was almost an impossibility. The two were mutually exclusive. A tug-of-war where one had to give in at the cost of the other. Promotion versus family, solving a murder or rearing a child, heads or tails. The hourglass had all but run dry and only a final few grains of sand remained.

Guilt and remorse consumed him as he knew another evening would be spent reeling off a list of excuses to console his distraught wife. The promise of a baby girl or boy fading away as fast as his ailing marriage.

He had also come to terms with who would rule for the eventual outcome. Fate itself would wield the deciding hand and that was exactly who Drucker left it to. Drink and cigarettes would provide for a temporary Band-Aid until that day arrived and the sooner it did, the better for everyone involved, whatever the result. He attempted to cleanse his thoughts and hastened out of the office as the most critical piece of the puzzle was just a few minutes away.

The corridor leading to the Interrogation room looked every bit as dingy as it should do. Dull greyed walls, large cylindrical lights dotting the ceiling above, bland doors placed sporadically lining either side. If only for visual effect, it checked all the right boxes.

Doug hurried along behind him, every now and then adjusting his tight-fitting shoulder straps. Drucker felt a real sense of security being partnered up with Doug. A rare mix of family and business, that seemed to work out better than any of them could have imagined. Something neither one of them ever spoke about, if anything for the sake of each other's pride.

A pair of officers stood chatting up ahead when one caught a quick glance of Drucker pacing hard upon the concrete floor. A subtle nudge later and now two sets of eyes were glowering in on them like hawks. Doug attempted to hold back but emotions got the better of him.

“You guys got a problem here?” he asked, whirling round to face a square-jawed, muscular officer. “This the OK Corral or something? You got anything to say, you damn well say it out loud to my face!” A twisted sneer manifested across his mouth in return. “Oh no, shorty. There ain’t nothing left to say. You run along with Detective Blunder over here. After all, we wouldn’t wanna keep your celebrity audience waiting too long, would we now?” A strong, firm hand gripped Doug’s arm. “Just leave it alone.” he heard mumbled into his right ear. “That’s right, shorty. Listen to your partner and choose very carefully what you say to me next. Don’t wanna go screwing things up for yourself any more than you already have in this precinct. Now, in case you missed it the first time. Be a good little soldier boy and run along.”

Doug’s cheeks exploded with crimson as every inch of his being prepared for a full-on verbal assault. The grip tightened around his arm. “Just leave it I said.” Drucker whispered in an authoritative tone coupled with a mocking nod from the offending officer. With his pride in tatters, he offered up a grimaced stare before they continued down the long passageway. Much to the chuckling amusement of his fellow colleague’s left behind.

“Don’t let your guard down like that again.” he murmured from the corner of his mouth. “You know how this department works. Our incident will be yesterday’s news in no time at all. Just smile, walk past and give ‘em hell in your mind. We gotta play the game like everybody else, Doug. Remember that.”

With not another word spoken the rest of the way, they came upon an ordinary, unassuming door where behind it sat the highest profile synthetic in the world today. Drucker looked Doug over. “Hey, you clear and focused? We’re involved in maybe the biggest case of our lives and can’t afford any slip ups once in there. Are we straight?” After a brief pause, the still red-faced Doug pursed his lips together and nodded in acknowledgement. “I’m good, Druck. Look, sorry about before. I just… I mean… I’ve been getting a lot of shit from the boys when you’re not around, you know?”

“I understand.” Drucker replied in sympathy. “But we also got a job to do. You can really hit ‘em where it hurts by getting all the required info from this clown in there and wrapping up the whole investigation as quickly as possible. Got it?” He nodded once more to Drucker’s satisfaction.

“Right.” he whispered. ”Let’s do this.”

Upon opening the door, the strong musky smell of an expensive scent engulfed their nostrils. A long, flat metal table spanned most of the room across from them. Languishing behind it was Rik Haime sporting a pair of designer blue jeans and a black leather jacket. His finely-tuned facial features bore a sly, conceited grin. The trademark kiss curl dangled over an eye just below his strand-perfect head of hair. An idol's look that his makers conceived of and etched onto him in an exact, unchanging stylization for the rest of his days. A precision-built, manufactured heart-throb with a stinging personality to match.

To his left sat a debonair looking gentlemen with a trim, short-bristled moustache. His mannerism and posture exuded professionalism and intelligence. Much to the dismay of both Drucker and Doug. Two other chairs rested vacant near where they stood. Rik Haime was first to break ice.

“Detectives.” he called out in a colourful, flamboyant tone. “You’d better make my visit worth your while as I’ll be suing you by the minute.” He tapped a Tag Hauer wrist watch with an index finger. “Time is money and money is time.” The gentleman next to him cleared his throat as Rik Haime closed his opening speech. “If I may introduce myself, I’m Mr. Galloway. I’ll be representing my client today and will be advising him throughout this process. You may now continue with proceedings.” The delicacy in which he handled himself perturbed Doug somewhat but Drucker stayed in tow.

“That’s fine. I’m Conway Drucker, that’s Doug Drayfort. Glad to make both of your acquaintances. Now, let’s get down to business, shall we?” He sounded assured and ready, which had an added bonus of bringing Doug’s confidence right back on par with his. “Do you know a Mrs. Dee Dullet?” Mr. Galloway a raised hand to halt any further lines of questioning directed at his client but Rik spoke regardless. “Maybe I do and maybe I don’t. What’s it to you anyways and what am I even here for?” His arrogance seemed to increase by the second. A level of frustration felt by Mr. Galloway was also plain to see. An unexpected advantage for the pair due to Rik’s cavalier attitude toward his only aid in the room.

“You carry on like that and you’ll be needing to cancel any plans you got for the next few days.” he replied. “Coz you ain’t leaving this place until we get the answers we need. It ain’t Hollywood Boulevard within these four walls… Rik.” The sarcastic emphasis Drucker placed on pronouncing his name seemed to hit an instant nerve in just the right spot.

“Oh really?” he answered back, in defiance. Mr. Galloway decided to interject before the situation got out of hand. “My client feels intimidated by your tone of voice and wishes to remain silent until further notice. You may address me for the remainder of this interview.”

Rik turned toward his lawyer with an air of disbelief. “Excuse me, but I pay you to defend me. Not fight my corner in these immature playschool police tactics. So please, I can speak for myself right now. Thank you.” Mr. Galloway flushed a deep shade of purple as Rik directed his attentions back to Drucker.

“As I was saying, you think you got shit on me? Well, give it your best shot. I make in an hour what you do in a whole year. I know you’re recording this but I'm also gonna get my personal transcript of today's fiasco too. Step outta line with me or say the wrong thing and it’s your ass. You won’t get another warning from me. I know exactly how things work here and I know my rights. Comprende, Detective?” The deep sneer in his voice felt like some deep rooted evil nesting inside his circuitry but all he was doing was playing right into Drucker’s hands. Doug stood watching by the far wall as he leaned over the table to look Rik straight in the eye.

“You filthy, degenerate tinman. You lowlife, washing machine on stilts. You stuck-up, second-rate citizen, rust bucket of a machine. You want me to go on or did you manage to take all that down?” Rik Haime’s dark eyes bulged with rage. His fists clenched hard under the table as he bore his pearly white teeth at Drucker, yet not a single sound left his mouth. Mr. Galloway echoed Rik’s sentiments just by the sheer look on his face. Absolute horror.

“You finally know where you are now, you piece of metal shit?” Drucker continued. “You’re right about one thing, this ain’t no school playground. This is my house now. My rules and my… murder… investigation. You want political correctness, go attend one of the demonstration’s outside “Freewill”. In here, you’re with the “Big Daddy”, so either start talking or bend over so I can spank that ass. Are we clear?” Doug was so impressed in that retort, he wondered if it should be him running for the Oscars this year.

A wide-eyed, shocked Rik recoiled back into his chair. Two pools of jet black stared straight at Drucker. He knew he had him by the balls. “Now, let’s start over, shall we? And this time round, I’ll get right to the point.” he said, straightening himself back up from the table.

“Who is Mrs. Dullet and how did you come to receive one hundred thousand dollars from her. Just a day before she took off on her city-wide rampage?”

A different persona replied back to Drucker, though still very much in the guise of Rik Haime. It spoke in a nervous and timid manner. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I got so many people who transact with me on a daily basis. There is no…”

“Oh, stop playing coy with me and answer the damn question!” he yelled, slamming a fist hard upon the table. “You’re in a whole world of trouble, you know that? Mr. Big-time movie star! Your precious career as well as your livelihood are all about to go down the same plughole if you don’t level with me! Now, what’s your connection with Dee Dullet! Don’t make me ask a third time!”

For a few seconds, the room fell into a pin-drop silence. Doug, who was at the ready if Drucker required his input, may as well have been sitting in a comfy sofa eating popcorn and drinking pop. It was evident to him that Rik was feeling the strain under heavy pressure and it was only a matter of turning the screw until the lock was forced open. A little more time and patience necessary.

“This is most inappropriate, Mr. Drucker.” the lawyer piped up after he waited for what he saw as a reasonable amount of time. “Cornering my client under the influence of uncalled-for duress is a crime and you’ll be well informed to know that we fully intend to take legal action against yourself as well as this precinct.”

Drucker still kept his eyes locked onto Rik who seemed to have curled up into an invisible protective shell. “Rik, listen to me.” he said, reverting back to calm. “A child of three has been abducted, an innocent gas station attendant murdered by her hand. They’re on the run right now and God knows who else is going to be next. A family? A pregnant woman? A synthetic even? Please, we’ll help you if you help us. You have my word of honour, Rik.” He listened in as Mr. Galloway studied him eagle-eyed, ready to pounce before Rik dug himself an even deeper hole. His lip wavered as he began to speak. “I… I didn’t’ mean to…”

The door burst open as everybody in the room jumped in unison. Four high ranking S.P.A. officials marched in followed closely by a bulky, stout man dressed in smart military attire. Six distinct medals were pinned on his left breast pocket. The S.P.A.’s surrounded Rik as the man formally approached Drucker.

“What in the hell?” Drucker cried out. “We’re in the middle of an interrogation, dammit! Who the hell are you?”

He replied back in a strong, harsh tone. Clearly a man of experience and authoritative backing.

“Go see your captain immediately. As of now, you’re off this case. We’ll take it from here.”

Doug looked on stunned as Drucker attempted to stay grounded in the mode of reason. Rage was now a distant second place. He looked at this man, seething with anger and confusion. “Under whose orders? Who the hell you are?” he asked again under gritted teeth.

“Colonel Pactor. Colonel Frank Pactor.”

Hope you enjoyed this chapter of my novel, please look out for more on the way... (author: @ezzy)

The Symbiotic Protocol - Prologue
The Symbiotic Protocol - Chapter 1
The Symbiotic Protocol - Chapter 2
The Symbiotic Protocol - Chapter 3
The Symbiotic Protocol - Chapter 4
The Symbiotic Protocol - Chapter 5
The Symbiotic Protocol - Chapter 6
The Symbiotic Protocol - Chapter 7
The Symbiotic Protocol - Chapter 8
The Symbiotic Protocol - Chapter 9
The Symbiotic Protocol - Chapter 10
The Symbiotic Protocol - Chapter 11
The Symbiotic Protocol - Chapter 12
The Symbiotic Protocol - Chapter 13
The Symbiotic Protocol - Chapter 14 (1 of 2)
The Symbiotic Protocol - Chapter 14 (2 of 2)

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