
These stories seem incredible and fictitious, but it is not. Do you know the only person who survived after a meteorite hit him? And what it is to win a large sum in a lottery not once, but twice in a day?

Although the fate of some of these people fell hard tests, luck favored them explicitly.

Woman pulled carrots with long-lost ring.

Working in the garden, Palsson Lena (Lena Påhlsson) pulled out of the ground carrot with a wedding ring, which she lost 16 years ago.

Ring design that Lena has developed itself, lost, after she put it on the kitchen table in 1995. Probably, the ring fell into a bucket of manure, and later spread throughout the garden. If not happy carrots, it is unlikely to be found.

The man found his biological mother, who worked with him in one shop.

Fleig Steve (Steve Flaig) searching for his biological mother since he was 18 years, but only in 2007, found that pronounced her name correctly. New search ended successfully. Luckily Talladi Chris (Chris Tallady), 45-year-old cashier who worked with him in the same shop, was his mother.

Winning the lottery twice in the same day.

Virginia Fike (Virginia Fike) always played the lottery with the same numbers: wedding anniversary day and age of parents, separated for a year, when they were married.

In 2012, the confusion at the box office has led to the fact that she wrote the numbers on two tickets instead of one. Later on television she saw two tickets guessed five of the six numbers in the lottery, and each of them has reached the value of $ 1 million. The woman looked at her mother and said: "It would be funny if ...", and then could not stop laughing until they reached the bank.

Tsutomu Yamaguchi survived two atomic bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Tsutomu Yamaguchi was in Hiroshima on business when the bomb was dropped, which damaged his eardrum, leading to temporary blindness and burns to the upper body.
Despite the injuries, three days later he found himself working in Nagasaki. Yamaguchi discussed with your supervisor bombing in Hiroshima when the siren sounded, and was dropped another bomb. He officially became one of the few who managed to survive these two nuclear bombardments.

The man survived three days under water, leaning on the air bubbles after his boat capsized.

Nigerian sailor Auken Harrison (Harrison Okene) was in the toilet when at 5 o'clock in the morning his boat suddenly began to sink. The ship sank almost 30 meters under cold water. Oken being only in his underwear failed to survive due to air bubbles in the cockpit. It was discovered only after it has spent 60 hours under water.

Man jumping with a parachute, when it nearly fell meteorite.

Helstrup Anders (Anders Helstrup) imprinted near the passage of the meteorite on the camera is attached to the head, when he jumped to the ground.
He himself did not even know that narrowly escaped death, until I looked shot. "I had a feeling that something has happened, but I did not see what happened," - said the Norwegian.

The only survivor of a plane crash.

In 1971, Julian Kёpke (Juliane Koepcke) was the only survivor of a plane crash in the Amazon region of Peru.
Kёpke dropped from a height of 3200 meters, being tied seat belt when her plane crashed in the Amazon rainforest. She was walking through the jungle, teeming with crocodiles and piranhas for 10 days, until it was discovered loggers.

Two days inside an active volcano.

In 1992 Chris Daddy (Chris Duddy), Michael Benson (Michael Benson) and Craig Hosking (Craig Hosking) spent two days inside the crater of an active volcano Kilauea after the helicopter crash.
The helicopter lost control so suddenly that the pilot Craig Hosking did not have time to tell about the help. When the helicopter fell into the hot bottom of the crater, he nearly fell into the churning lava lake, and all three escaped with only minor cuts. While the men were waiting for salvation and heard gurgling beneath the lava, they have already mentally come to terms with a horrible death.

Sailed by the world's highest tsunami on a fishing boat.

On the night of July 9, 1958 earthquake in Alaska led to the formation of a tsunami wave that was twice as high as the Eiffel Tower (over 500 meters). Boat Howard Ulrich (Howard Ulrich) and his 8-year-old son boldly wave, which is approaching the Gulf at a speed of 160 kilometers per hour. Surprisingly, the ship rose to the top of the wave that swept them over the trees and dropped back into the bay.

The only person in the history, in which the meteorite fell.

Although it sounds like an extreme bad luck, we should not jump to conclusions until you hear the whole story.
Late in the morning near the town of Sulakoga in Alabama, USA young woman Ann Hodges (Ann Hodges) was dozing on the couch, covered with a blanket, when a meteorite the size of a grapefruit struck the roof, bounced off the radio and hit her in the thigh, leaving a scar in the shape of a pineapple. If not for a blanket and a radio, a meteor could hit her in the head.

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