A consultant story - Pilot (1x1)

It's two in the night and I am stuck in the very last Slide. I'm trying to focus on it, but I'm still wondering what has given me more annoyance today if the padlock task of the 6 pm or the fact of being so naive to think that tonight I would have been able to go to the Supermarket.

The Supermarket, there are more probabilities I can see a Chimera than going to the Supermarket in the middle of the week. It is the fixed stop on Sunday evening. The day in which I buy the stuff for the whole week. Stuff that will rota few days later.

Oh my god! It's two in the night and the only thought I have is the Supermarket? Well, I'm not sane...

Tomorrow's delivery is at 9 am and every time I wonder why working stuff always arrives at 6 pm. Maybe it's a non-written rule. The worst thing is how your boss gives you the working stuff at the end of the day... More or less in this way

Source: giphy.com

Ok, what did I think when I sent my CV to a Consulting company? Oh yeah, now I remember

Source: bestanimation.com

Fool, Fool! But could not make a beer the night I wrote my CV? My mental health would have gained and especially my stomach, which now shakes at the thought of tonight's supper.

Okay, let's close this slide ... A circle here, a square there, two FUFFA phrases at the highest level and it is ready.

Let's write the email:
Hi Mr. P,

Attach slides to send to G.

Thank you,

Send it all over and run away.

The metro is closed, the night bus is full of drunk people and outside there is a horde of walking deads... What a downfall!

Taxi is the solution. The Taxi driver is a words machine. He didn't stop talking the whole way. My head is blowing, but I resist ... the thought of the bed puts me in ecstasy. I do not even think about dinner anymore.

Home sweet home, I open the door catapulting on the bed ... I close my eyes for a moment and suddenly ...

Source: bestanimations.com


Panic! Turn on the PC, open the mail and SBAM ...

Let's continue in the next episode...

I hope you enjoyed it ... Follow me to know more about the nice stories and super powers of a consultant ...

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