Turning civic duty into Gold with Goldmoney.

There’s nothing like doing your civic duty as a juror.... and turning it into gold! Most of the time when a juror summons appears in the mailbox, its a moment of panic....Not when you can turn your Civic Duty into Gold with Goldmoney!

Court is a serious place, I made sure to wear my fancy Goldmoney shirt: note the button.


Waiting in the jury pool can be tedious. Thankfully there are wildly entertaining juror instruction documentaries to watch.


After several grueling days of narrowing down the juror pool, I was selected as a juror.

Thankfully a Starbucks was close by so I could keep working on my personal mission to spread the word of Goldmoney during my lunch breaks.



Speaking of lunch, one of the bright spots of being on the jury was our amazing judge, who actually BAKED for us!


Several times!

The fine officers securing the courthouse got particular amusement out of the Goldmoney Gold card as it went through their X ray machine every day. The Goldmoney gold card can be seen here on vacation in Maui earlier this year here:


Learn more about this 18k gold card here: https://www.goldmoney.com/w/goldmatters

When jury duty finally ended, I got a huge payday for all the time and effort of getting up and driving to court each day!



What to do with this massive bounty?

The only logical thing would be to put it into the worlds oldest and best form of money... gold! Gold has ascended as money through every civilization because of its natural and physical properties.

Here’s is how I did it....

After depositing the check to my bank,


I transferred an equal amount from PayPal to my Goldmoney Holding. Then I used the proceeds to buy gold.


Selected a vault.




The gold is now owned by me. This is not a cryptocurrency ( disclaimer: I have no problem with cryptocurrency : @goldmatters/when-everyone-makes-fun-of-you-for-being-a-bitcoin-for-halloween ) or “paper gold”, or an ETF. This is physical, allocated gold, silver, platinum or palladium bullion that I know own in these secure vaults. It is redeemable, insured, and audited.

After being fed by the judge, (who even taught us stretches during the breaks,) paid by the county, buying some gold....jury duty wasn’t so bad after all.

So next time you see a juror summons in the mail... think like this: 223F9A25-664A-4054-9D7A-B550F1EB0C5D.jpeg

There could be gold at the end!

Thanks for reading.


To sign up for a Goldmoney Holding start here: https://www.goldmoney.com/w/goldmatters

I am on a personal mission to spread the word about Goldmoney through any means necessary. Goldmoney allows individuals to empower themselves by protecting their savings by owning small or large amounts gold previously inaccessible to regular people like you and me.

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