HardFork: Steemit Trailer Premiere!

Although the frequency of HardFork posts have slowed considerably since SteemFest2 in Lisbon, we’ve been hard at work behind the scenes determining the best ways to raise the money necessary to fund our project.

We’re excited to announce that the fundraising phase of the project has officially begun!

We have a lot of work ahead of us to raise the $6 to $12 million dollars needed to produce our first season at the production-quality level that we are committed to. Considering the tremendously talented team we’ve assembled we are also confident that this is a challenge that we can accomplish.

We simply refuse to sacrifice the quality of our vision, so if we raise less money we will produce closer to six episodes instead of the ten that would be produced if we raise the higher amount.

The Steemit community has been an incredible incubator for our HardFork Series and we couldn’t be more grateful for the support you’ve shown us since day one.

Those who attended our presentation at SteemFest got an exclusive glimpse of the HardFork teaser trailer. We were able to produce this teaser trailer with an incredibly small budget of only $5,000. The excitement we felt in the conference room the day we presented in Lisbon was electric and, now, we want to spark that same level of excitement to investors and to the world at large.

We promised the Steemit community that we’d share this trailer with you and we’re excited to be able to deliver on that promise right now.

We hope you enjoy this:

The months ahead will be intense… filled with presentations, proposals, and grassroots efforts to show investors how our project is worthy of their support. We will be raising money through a variety of channels: blockchain/cryptocurrency development team sponsorship; Patreon; Kickstarter; private investors; among others.

We hope to make you proud. We are confident those people in the blockchain/cryptocurrency sector will recognize the value and true worth of our HardFork Series. Each member of our team, wholeheartedly, believes in the potential of cryptocurrency and blockchain to transform our world for the better.

We believe blockchain and digital currency is not just a moment, but a movement. We believe that the HardFork Series is the perfect delivery system to convince the mainstream of this fact in a fun and entertaining way.

Thank you all so much, again, for your incredible support! In our eyes, this project was born on, and will continue to live on Steemit.

We’ll keep you all informed of our progress along the way. Friends, this is truly only the beginning!

Happy Holidays!

Yours in the chain,
The HardFork Team

@HardFork-Series is an upcoming narrative film mini-series with a decentralized filmmaking approach to be produced in New York City and around the world, the team includes writer @ericvancewalton, writer/director @dougkarr, star and writer @bakerchristopher, writer @the-alien, executive producer @andrarchy, growth hacker @nickytothenines, the amazing HardFork-Universe crew, and the entire Steemit community. Please reach out to any and all of us to get involved, or simply reply below and we'll reach out!

Create your own HardFork Series related content! Post your derivative work and ideas on Steemit using the #hardforkseries tag. All content posted to this tag will be assumed to be intended as derivative work I of the HardFork series and so the HardFork team cannot be liable for any apparent similarities between the content and the final product.

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