Hiya! I'm Cece- I like to create food babies, let my weird and wild imagination express itself through story-telling, and send free hugs by postmail.

Hey there fellow Steemians,

My name is Cece and I am so excited to be here; let me tell you why! Three months ago, I was flying from Bali, Indonesia to Chiang Mai, Thailand. By flying I mean holding the armrests with the fury of the muscularly cladded men of 300, frantically dissecting every inch of the plane around me and repeatedly grabbing onto my partner telling him “I can’t do this.” HAHA (it’s always funnier on the ground-once we've landed.) onnaplane.jpg

This budget airline had no (I repeat NO) screens or even an English magazine for me to distract my overworking doomsday mind while we were miraculously floating 35,000 feet in the air in a multi ton metal machine. So what is there a girl can do?
Thank the lucky stars for Kindle (#amiright?) Ok, so Kindle does this thing where it recommends books for me to read and most of the time I just ignore them… why do they have to be so up in my business? Before I left for this trip however, I did take their suggestion because they offered it to me on sale and sales are the way to get me to buy whatever you want.!
I bought this book that was so opposite anything I would normally download but I figure Amazon has so much information on my purchasing habits that they could be right. I’m going to save the book review for another time (honestly because I haven’t finished it) but the craziest thing happened from reading the chapters I could get through before falling asleep… I questioned my whole life! (See me contemplating below:)

“Cece, what do you mean you questioned your whole life? Isn’t that a bit dramatic?” You might be asking me in your heads right now. Well YES, it freaking was! My whole life I grew up being told I was so outgoing, so social, so likable, so charismatic which would equal to what we call an extroverted personality type, yes? Well, ladies and gents (and the still very confused persona in my mind) I am in no way possible, an extroverted person. I am actually by full assessment of the trait, INTROVERTED. Social situations freak me the **** out. I get so nervous and anxiety ridden over crowds, people, conversations… holy moly. No wonder why my stress levels were off of the chain. I thought that was normal! (Cue hysterical laugh-crying.)

So, with all this new information now being processed I am in desperate need of a new community to share my transformation… nah… my evolution with! I just realized that it’s OK for me to want to stay in the kitchen all day cooking, eating what I made and cooking again! More than that, I don’t have to go out and mingle if I don’t want to! To that, I scream HALLELUYAH (and will probably look into taking some reading recommendations more seriously in the future because let’s face it, they obviously know me better than I know myself.)
For years, I have been encouraged to take pictures of the food I make (though, unfortunately I have been assessed by good photographers as being not so good on the photo-taking-forefront.) It’s what’s in the picture that matters and I have even been known to post some pretty delicious recipes in my day.

So, to being approved onto this platform I say “Wanna be my online friend and pose me no threat of social intimacy?” I’m delighted to be yours, when I have free time, when I am not busy and with no expectations <3
Oh ya, in case it wasn’t obvious, I blog about life (the real stuff and #sorrynotsorry, I have no filter) my flirtation with creations in the kitchen and occasionally offer some travel intel as we hop all over the globe.
So, with all this new information now being processed I am in desperate need of a new community to share my transformation… nah… my evolution with! I just realized that it’s OK for me to want to stay in the kitchen all day cooking, eating what I made and cooking again! More than that, I don’t have to go out and mingle if I don’t want to! To that, I scream HALLELUYAH (and will probably look into taking some reading recommendations more seriously in the future because let’s face it, they obviously know me better than I know myself.)
For years, I have been encouraged to take pictures of the food I make (though, unfortunately I have been assessed by good photographers as being not so good on the photo-taking-forefront.) It’s what’s in the picture that matters and I have even been known to post some pretty delicious recipes in my day. So, to being approved onto this platform I say “wanna be my online friend and pose me no threat of social intimacy?” I’m delighted to be yours, when I have free time, when I am not busy and with no expectations <3 frend1.jpg

Oh ya, in case it wasn’t obvious, I blog about life (the real stuff and #sorrynotsorry, I have no filter) my flirtation with creations in the kitchen and occasionally offer some travel intel as we hop all over the globe, xoxo.

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