Some Greater Signs of Our Times 🌀 (Original Poem)

A few weeks ago I posted Some Lesser Signs of Our Times. Here is what to me is the other end of the wave... :)

History’s merging, 

Evil is purging. 

Opening up, 

To no longer be shut. 

Getting ready to receive, 

That which We need…

The pain,  

Not always a stain, 

As rain,  

That comes to reclaim…

The seed, as the heart of Man, 

The growth, to retrain His hand. 

The knowledge, to stay His will, 

The desires, to develop His skill. 

This device between us, to straighten His tongue, 

To expand His ego, and empathy at once.  

Sickness and time, to show Him of mercy, 

Death and memories, that inspire His courtesy.

All these creations, Nature, and all of Our history,  

Mean to bring us somewhere, not lost in dystopy.  

Must it be said again? 


We are One! 

Now, for Her contractions, 

The time’s almost come… 

(Image Sources: #1, 2, 3, 4.)

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Melech ben Chaya מלך בן חיה, @inphiknit

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