The Other Side 🌀 (An Original Poem)

The Book seems so fictional, and so hard to believe, 

Yet right out of its pages, the same sights do I see. 

So it’s come time to say, that which I see… Today’s fakenews is true, 

Proving some people are more wicked, than I ever knew… 

Incantations, rituals, and fluids that disgust, 

Victims given over, stolen first was their trust. 

Fires to foreign gods, are kindled with blood, 

Draining purity to themselves, thinking it’s good...

Crossing gates to the other side, evokes their thirst, 

Not considering what they’ll find there, couldn’t be worse. 

What they’ve done to the little ones, with their own two hands, 

Will reciprocate manyfold, the feeling of time will stand. 

You can’t go that low, and not expect to pay the price, 

The suffering you caused others, you’ll now feel it twice. 

‘Cause this place isn’t a joke, though you took it as one, 

Yourself and the world to make better, not just for your “fun.”

Your chances cut off, unless you reverse it right now, 

Still punished, but go back and read, it even tells you how… 

To return to humanity, and all you could still be, 

To return from the demons, to the encompassing We… 

There are only 50 gates to the Other Side... 

Sources; Image #1, #2, #3, #4.

Other Original Poems;

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Melech ben Chaya מלך בן חיה, @inphiknit

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