Tell me where to go next! - A Story

Photo: CC BY-SA 4.0 - Insaneworks

– So what do you actually do?
The young woman asked, while she dug something from one of the bags.
– Are you a photographer? Since we have all this gear here? I'll admit I'm slightly baffled. I mean, what the heck is all this?
She waived her hand towards a pile of devices.
– These look like some sort of cameras, but then again not. Perhaps measuring devices? But what are they supposed to measure?

The old woman adjusted her devices on the other side of the room and answered:
– You'll see. Just put your camera here, somewhere, and when we start, take as many photographs as you can with it.

Photo: CC BY-SA 4.0 - Insaneworks

– Well, I'm ready so I might as well start. What an awful wallpaper. And the ceiling! At least the furniture is slightly interesting.

The young woman started taking photographs, not really knowing where to aim, when suddenly the old woman said, in fact she almost shouted:
– For the love of... They are early! They are coming right now and I'm not ready. Shit! Shit! Shit!

She tapped her devices so they were on and continued muttering.
– Please, just one minute! Just one minute and I am ready. Almost. Almost!

Photo: CC BY-SA 4.0 - Insaneworks

– Shit! There it was! Did you catch that?
The old woman shouted to the younger one.

– Did I catch what? I wish you would tell me what to catch!

The old woman snatched the camera from the young woman's hands and started to browse through the images.
– No... no... no... THERE! Here it is! My calculations were wrong by half an hour. I won't make that mistake again. I didn't get any data but at least you got a photo. Good job Gaby!

Photo: CC BY-SA 4.0 - Insaneworks

Thank you @juliamulcahy for correcting my text.

To be continued...


This story is published under the Creative Commons license CC BY-SA 4.0

That's it! For now.
Now I need you.

Tell me where to go with my story. Give me a clue or a suggestion.


Comment a short sentence or two. If you have no words, comment with a picture or a photograph. Or a link. Anything! Your words or someone elses. A photograph taken by you or someone else. You can comment more than once, but perhaps not more than 5 suggestions. Before 7 days has gone, I will choose one comment. Or more if I feel like it.

But I don't know what to say!

That's okay. We've all been there at some point. Interesting, but brain all empty. You can also upvote someone else who has commented this post. That may have an influence to my selection.


If you comment with someone elses words or image, please mention the source also. If you don't mention the source, I assume the words or the image is yours and I will credit you. Words: @[you], images: ©copyright @[you]. If you want to be mentioned in some other way, please attach the text and/or link.


Well, mainly for fun, but also because depending on what I like, you will be rewarded for your comment. Upvote, SBI, a little bit of STEEM or SBD.

Does the little grammarist inside you cry tears of blood when you read my text?

No worries! Feel free to correct my grammar! I encourage you to do that. You can also suggest something to be changed if you think things could be written better than I have done. Help and suggestions are appreciated. Really. Truly. :)
Why am I using – instead of " " in the dialogue? Answer.


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