All Is Not Lost


My life flashed as the shuttle went down. Years of training, decades of travelling and it was all being undone in a moment.

I am an astronaut, part of an exploration team in deep space. Our mission had been going well these past three decades until now.

A solar storm had struck LV139J, generating massive electromagnetic pulses that damaged all electronic equipment on the planet.

I was in the air when the storm struck, and now I had crash landed in the middle of nowhere.

My shuttle was damaged; communications lost and I didn't know my bearings.

Without the aid of our satellites I couldn't tell where I was. For all I knew, I was a continent away from base camp.

A myraid of questions go through my mind: would base camp still function after this?, was our mothership still operational?, was I alone on this planet?.

I salvage some supplies and head out into the wilderness. All is not lost; maybe I can reach my base, maybe I can survive, maybe there is still hope.

This is an entry to the stach story writing contest

Image credit @jacksondavies

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