Moon Angel's Smile

Welcome my Steemit friends as we examine Moon Angel's Smile today. A travel of prose or verse or just a different style of writing I hope you enjoy my work.
Bruce Lennon -

Moon Angel's Smile

Light as a feather on a whisp of wind as the dandelions seeds twirl in the breeze high in the turbulences from whence it’s been. Seen with the awe of a five year old child shines with the light of the Moon Angel's smile. High up above once trapped in a tree and thanks to a wise woman with spells set her free, the Moon Angel's smile shines on.

The light of her eyes combined with her smile is a dazzle of wonder like butterflies' wings thunder as the flit and they float across the weeds. Asters and mums in wait in fields of drums where generators suck the water away and Moon Angel's light from her smile so bright takes all my troubles away.

On a morning so clear she shone way up there as she looked down in the disguise of day. Worry not of the fools or who pester you to amuse the sadness inside them that fray. I see you there and send my smile so fair that you know that I watch from above. That the prayers that you send I hear and pass on my friend.

When you look up on above and see my smile with love my teeth shining bright day or night. That I smile at you my heart's love true so you'll know that there's hope for your plight. Whatever you face looks on my bonnie face and laugh at the evil like me. Worry not much my dear because I'll always be here with grin in the stead of fear.

Let my light touch you I send from my lips to set all your troubles aside. My light waxes strong and the Father Sun sets and the further away that he goes I grace you with dreams of one day free for hope in the face of your woes. You've worshipped my smile as something to see my happiness a path against throes.

And night or day I laugh at your jokes and so leave all your troubles behind. Think of my beauty in perfection and join in my smile of yore for I always will be a light of grace for thee whether wakened or in a deep snore. I might seem small but the power I hold, an example for the sad to see.

Whether or not the wicked do rouse sleep tight in my beams that are free I inspire you against all that's dark and dim against all that bumps in the shadow that thy dreams may be happy and full of joy so at night leave behind all thy sorrows. Into a barrow put them fast and lug them far away.

Like a great bear off to the north as I watch all and smile on life down below. Trudging along to espy and light all in an arc my smile goes. My little Wight that walks the night with steps out on wide open prairie the beams I shine are a way to find the peace against all so contrary.

Listen to me as I smile is there any sound you hear? It's joy to all the living that the night's not night my dear. As I smile upon you while my moonbeams shine the way with grace. Know that all is a lover's call to be held in a gentle embrace. Kiss and I'll be happier. Stare at me on high with awe.

Know from above my smile is love for each of you one and all. I'll always here to inspire thee and have walked through tests of all time. Have a hopeful look for the sound of the brook where fishes and tadpoles mime. Like them bathe in my beaming smile, always or whenever there’s time.

No matter what my journey and what not where ever I go the Moon Angel's smile cracks wide for me in the face of all my foes. I walk along singing a song to make her happier to see and she trudges along on my path ‘til dawn grinning the way for me. I think I hear her laughter a man who is never afraid.

For, as I grow ever older she’s with me and always in place. In the city I never saw her much. But now that I’m out of the race, she’s my dearest friend like a lover out here on the open range. Had I horse as intended to, a saddle to sit astride like every other cowboy I’d ride across the night?

Moon Angel I thank thee you’re my bow and a bulwark from fright. Not fixed with stays but ever free, a reminder in clear sight. And how you ever came to be is well beyond my knowing. She is an ancient lover wise in years, full of tales sowing, always happy always laughing, high and ever knowing.

Do you walk as you laugh or steady as you go? I wonder if you have a boat with oars that need to row. Moon Angel if you need an oarsman though I’m down here now, someday I’ll be available and offer with a bow, my services to help you on for others with a woe.

Or maybe I and Lucky will help you with a rope. Doldrums come and doldrums go and we have a hope. That should you stay instead of play across the skies just so we’d for all the sakes of those in need we’d glad take in tow all help you need to continue on forever smiling show.

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Bruce Lennon -

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