Introducing Write Club's Prospective Human Sacrifices

Write Club is an intensive writing program where eight writers come together to write short stories for 16 weeks. Think of it as boot camp or Crossfit for writers. For more information, click here

The List is in!

After many days of pointless procrastination, scratching my head, and throwing lamps at the wall, I finally have it. Without further ado, I want to congratulate: 






















Well done everyone.

If you are on this list, and you accept your nomination, tell me in the comment section of this post. And be sure to Resteem the post so everyone knows what a raving fool you are.  

Now, if you’re reading this, and you’re wondering to yourself, why the Hell aren’t I on this list? Chances are, you should be. Perhaps I hadn’t been able to find one of your fiction posts. I’d recommend finding me on discord and shooting me a DM with one of your recent fiction posts. Something you’re really proud of. I’ll read it and see if you’re space monkey material.  

Big thanks again to everyone at the @thewritersblock for endorsing this project.  

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