A strange story from the beach. (Strange Stories, I)


So tonight a drunk old guy came up to us on the beach in a "wife-beater" and told us we couldn't do sparklers until after 9 because the planes flying in to the airport directly next to the beach could be endangered, and potentially crash.

The slurred voice was the first giveaway (along with the wife beater shirt) that this guy was full of shit, but we ignored him and said "Yeah, yeah" and found our spot and commenced our fireworks. Either way, we actually thought he had said you can do them until 9.

He came back and started slurring at my family again and I kind of lost my shit in a somewhat responsible way, asking him to identify himself, blocking him physically from encroaching on our space more, and telling and encouraging him (verbally and slightly physically) to buzz off. I felt bad for the drunk old man, but was annoyed.

He eventually left, my wife calling the city officials (coppers) and asking if there were such a law. I realized 100% as she was speaking that this poor old dude just likely had nothing better to do with his Sunday nights than get wasted and tell people not to wreck the planes with their sparklers. I felt equal parts fascinated, guilty, and depressed.




Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)

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