A day with Albert Einstein ( Featuring @cristi )

I guess Einstein needs no detailed introduction. He is mostly known for the general and the special theories of relativity, for the photoelectric effect, for gravitational waves, and for the unified field theory - to name just a few. He lived between 1879 and 1955.

My aim with this series is to focus on the daily habits of big achievers, which is why I will not pay particular attention to familiarizing you with all aspects of their lives. To learn more about Albert Einstein, start at Wikipedia and work your way up from there.

Earlier in this series:

1. A day in the Life of Nikola Tesla

2. A day in the Life of Benjamin Franklin

3. A day in the Life of Thomas Edison

The Daily Habits of Albert Einstein

Einstein went to the United States in 1933. He taught at Princeton for 12 years, until 1945 when he retired. His daily routine was quite simplistic and straightforward.

9 A.M. - Breakfast and reading the news for an hour.
10:30 A.M. - Leaving for office. He would walk if the weather was nice. Otherwise, he would be picked up by a station wagon provided by the University.
11 A.M. - 1 P.M. - Work in the office.

He'd have to be extremely focused to get good work done in such a short window. From what I know by reading about the daily habits of other great achievers, they would work in 3-4 hours blocks all throughout the day, some being more productive in the morning, others in the afternoon, while others would divide their work-time all across the schedule.

1:30 P.M. - Return home. Lunch, nap, and tea.
2 - 6 P.M. - Resume work, attend occasional visitors, manage correspondence.
6:30 P.M. - Supper, after which he would continue working.

Thanks to Mason Currey for researching this matter.

From his schedule it may seem he'd not be putting too much effort into his work, but we have to be aware that in 1933 Einstein had already have a well established reputation in the field of physics.

Things to Know (trivial)...

  • he was very popular despite being absent-minded and careless of his physical appearance
  • he didn't like to go to the barber-shop and he avoided wearing socks
  • At Princeton, you could trace him by the trail of smoke he left behind

"Walking to and from work, he was often waylaid by locals who wanted to meet the great physicist. A colleague remembered: “Einstein would pose with the waylayer’s wife, children, or grandchildren as desired and exchange a few good-humored words. Then he would go on, shaking his head, saying: ‘Well, the old elephant has gone through his tricks again.’ ”*

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Credits for Image: here and here

Cristi Vlad, Self-Experimenter and Author

Attention: This post has been written by @cristi

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