A nickname rhyme. Creative Challenge Task #5

As a reminder, you have to write a story that connects the two images below.

The Story

Elizabeth, Katie, and Kelly were the three swimming championships turned best friends. Elizabeth loved to swim the distance. Katie rocked the backstroke and Kelly was the led swimmer in every relay.

Before winning the championship, they had a routine practice that became a legend. Knowing they couldn't take a silly photo with the group. The girls were on a mission to capture an off guard moment that told a story.

The group picture above was taken just before this mission impossible task was given to jubbylicious. Morodiene, the queen of song and dance noticed something was off when she saw Elizabeth walking over with an odd smile.

Elizabeth made a bet with jubbylicious against Kubby that jubbylicious couldn't refuse.

Kubby was up against Kelly and Katie for first place. Kubby would need to win her next two race back to back to out rank Kelly and Katie. Focusing on the task at hand.

I just need to pick up my pace by a few extra seconds. As long as I don't lose my breathing I could do it just like practice, thought Kubby.

Elizabeth noticed Kubbys' odd expression and knew she was trying to avoid distractions while visualizing the race.

Feeling adventurous, Elizabeth walks over to Kubby and drops a note.

Sensing the tension, Morodiene leans in close and eventually walks over. The note is dropped behind Kubby untouched almost falling into the pool. Kubby didn't notice at first, so Morodiene picks it up, reads it, and hands it over to Kubby. I think this is for you.

Rolling her eyes, Kubby reads the note out loud, jubbylicious so delicious can she beat Elizabeth?

Kubby laughs, Morodiene poses, and Elizabeth puts her sunglasses on and grins while jubbylicious grabs her camera and snaps the photo. These girls spend the rest of the swim met dropping rhymes and trying not to laugh while they swam.

Most that look at these photos think it was just another swim meet. Only the friends in the picture giggle knowing the truth.

The End...

Thank you to @Morodiene for inspiring this story.


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