He thought he was a cowboy. Task #7

The Lesson

Some of the best writers and creative writing teachers point out the need to write about objects. They criticize the idea to use too many abstract ideas, and actually believe that writing about any object is the key to explaining an idea in an excellent way.
The Task

Take a look at the objects below and write a story based on a predefined idea.

Here's a list with all predefined ideas:

Without excuses:

  • Write about someone who never gave up until he had achieved a certain goal.

Old memories:

  • A fictional essay about someone who's sharing his most exciting story from his youth.

A Tree of Life:

  • A non-fictional essay about life, compromises and self-awareness.


I choose old memories.........

His name is Mr. Wilson. The wild-wild west is his favorite. Movies, especially themed westerns are always his first choice. Cowboys, he probably thinks he is one. Actually, mom calls him a cowboy. Never noticed that until now. Mr. Wilson tells a tale of putting his hat down wishing it was one of his cowboy hats.

Unfortunately, it was the garden hat. Tending to the flowers is part of his chores. It makes his miss very happy. He feels a similar joy when opening the mail. This time it came from his friend in Natal. That is a lovely place in Brazil.

We visited this friend once. Apparently every town blesses him with a new nickname. I often wonder, why does this friend change his nickname with each move?

Is running he from the law?

This friend apparently had a very interesting life. Mr. Wilson at least thought it was funny. We referred to this friend as Casa Grande. He had a few guns, or maybe it was just one. Either way, he owned a new business and when he moved the business is always new and different. Maybe he was money laundering. Maybe he was a gang member.

When ever Mr.Wilson would visit him they would go out together and discover hidden treasures within the city. Casa Grande either had made friends with the right people, or he was always at the right place at the right time. They had a little to much fun without spending much every time they went out; how could that be?

Mr. Wilson said this friend became very ill during his last visit. Casa Grande ended up losing his ability to walk. His Ergobaum was a fancy crutch. Casa became so dependent on this new device that he couldn't keep up with his new business. This crutch kept him from opening his own restaurant. He wanted to create his own dish. Maybe it was his last dish before he passed.

Laid to rest in the sand dunes where he once grew up, his favorite quote engraved in the lighthouse nearby. It read, “Good better best, never let it rest. Until your good is better and your better is your best.”

Mr. Wilson picked up his hat and with a deep sigh said, "He was a good friend and never tell your mom about that last visit. She thinks I went on a work trip that weekend".


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