I once knew him. .. Task#8

Creative Writing Challenge Task #8: Take a look at the table below presenting various data. Your task is to write a story choosing only one variable from each column.

I’ve selected John, near future, jeweller, Santorini, old envelope. Enjoy.

The story

“Traveling again, John?”
John took a deep breath before responding.“They want me to market in Spain for a few years. This could be a lot of fun. Nothing will compare to living here.”

Santorini will always be home.

Santorini will always be the past that helped me get there, thought John. It was another beautiful sun shining day. The weather is oftentimes the best sell to come here. To stay here would be too easy. My love for the people, the fresh air, and the ocean keeps me grounded. However, next year this time I will be head promoted again and can return. For now, I will look ahead..

The first year...

“They said it would be in the near future, not next week,” said John.
“Well, I don't know what to tell you, John. You either continue your work in and move to Spain or take the new position back in the states. I have to go now.”
Before John could protest or plead his case again for an extension Stacy hung up.
“This stupid envelope was suppose to contain the hidden jewel,” whispered John.

I just need more time here.. It has been months without any discovery and now his heart was split. Would he move back to Spain with his new girlfriend, would she move to America with him, would leaving be for the best?

The Old Envelope

It has been a a few years since the discovery of the hidden envelope. John ended up moving back home. His girlfriend ended up moving back to Spain. The world that once excited him now left him a wanderer. No one knows if he still working as an artist. His true love for creating beautiful jewelry lead him to travel to Europe, but it also caused his love to stay there.


Often my thoughts and prayer are filled with him. I’ve lost track of his whereabouts. His friend, my brother from another mother, tells me he is well. Much changed from the days we knew him. His passion for life took him far and he lost himself there. I once thought I loved him. Now, I wish him well and hope he finds his way back home.


3 columns
2 columns
1 column