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The text that never sent

Merry Christmas to my friends in the East. Merry day after Christmas to my friends in the west. This is my entry to Constrained Writing Contest #11 + Winners of Constrained Writing Contest #10.

If you haven't participated in a contest before, I would recommend entering this one. I had my friends in the Writers' Block review my story. Before that, my beloved friend @lenadr checked for spelling and grammar error in the Minnow Support Project.

Let me know what you think of my story.

Pink Text December 24
Hey babe, I can't make it out tonight. The most brutal accident happened right in front of me. I'm okay now, but the car in front crashed into a wall. Not sure how that could have happened. Their turn signal was on. They started making the turn slowly and before I knew it, bang, right into the wall.

Blue Text December 24, 7:00pm
Hon, are you okay? Your mom called saying you've been in an accident. Your last text was about an hour ago stating you were coming over. Where are you?! Call me back when you see this.

Pink Text December 24
Babe, why aren't you answering? I've been trying to reach you for a while now. The car accident from about an hour ago is blocking traffic. The ambulance is here now. The poor driver might not make it. It looks like they hit their head pretty hard, I think I can see blood, it’s so gross and scary. Can you come here please, I am really scared and don’t know what to do.

Blue Text December 24, 7:30pm
Hon, I am on my way. Not sure if you can see this message, but let me know if you are okay. I should be there by the time you wake up.

Pink Text December 24
I wish you were here. I'm so overwhelmed with this whole situation. I'm going to wait in my car. Oh wait, I am in my car. No, now I'm moving. So many people around. Everything is starting to spin. Am I spinning? Oh Lord, is that my car? I think someone else smashed it. Couldn't have been me. Why can't I move? Oh! Here comes help, everything is fine. Looks like I'll be late. I'm getting so sleepy. I might just close my eyes for a moment until you arrive.

Blue Text ( December 24, One Year later )
I know you can't read this, and can’t reply, but know that I love you. I miss you every day.

The end

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