Midnight dreams (Original)


Hello friends, this story occurred to me while I was sitting in my room, reflecting on different topics...


Every day, in the evenings, while the majority of people sleep, where you can hear everything that is around, where sounds are heard more strong, due to the solitude of the streets, very few people are awake, each time passes a cart on the street, at full speed in order not to be a victim of the crime. While all this happens, I am in my room with the light off, reflecting by different situations, thinking in the present and in the future, making plans that will allow me to forward, taking ideas for my articles. This has become my routine, we can say that it is up to sacred, even if you want to go to bed early, I can not!, I need to do so is a necessity, but I do, I do not feel well, has become inevitably part of me. 

Even though my wife advises me sleep early and rest as much as possible, for me it is impossible, I need at that precise moment, take a moment alone with my bed and the darkness of my fourth, thinking as if there were no tomorrow, thinking that if I fall asleep I will not return to awaken. And therefore I am not going to be able to see the resolution of my plans, able in these brief words to think that I am "crazy".

 Why think that not wake up?

It is surely the questions that may be doing at this time. The truth is I do not know, are thoughts that come to my head, again and again, possibly i fear of death, and everything that does not permit me to see who has the future brought to me, capable should not engrossed, in this type of subject, and only live in the present and nothing more than that. 

But there is a drawback, as I said earlier, it has become my routine, accompanied by the blessed caffeine. That is what this is all about my dreams of midnight, Inspiration to achieve many things that I have in mind, and that I am not willing to lose opportunities I have, we can say that in each midnight, for each day of the week, is as a kind of board of directors, the particularity, is that I am next to my cup of coffee, that keeps me awake and focused. For many it is a drug, but for me, it is my best companion for that moment, as it is the beer on a sunny day. 

To write this article, only needs a moment of inspiration, absolute silence, and accompanied with a cup of coffee, result!, this writing that I bring today, and tend to be my nights, full of positive and negative thoughts, but that, at the time of putting them in a balance, predominates the positive thoughts, not because all my days are good, is that I always try to discard negative things that serve me very little. But I wanted to write in this precise moment, so that this small story I cannot forget, and become memories into oblivion.

In essence the dreams of middle of the night, rather than a combination of words, which were transformed into a title. Is the dreams of a person who is always looking for the best for him, to his wife and his son, when one comes to have responsibilities, the thoughts become more profound, these in search to get the things that really help you, first to be a better person, and second to beat your best yourself every day. And in the middle of the night before sleep, draw conclusions on how was your day, and you need to do or which needs to be improved for the next day, that is my eternal routine, and where no doubt the middle of the night is the protagonist. 

Follow me: @luisucv34

All images were taken from pixabay.com

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