Unknown Direction (Original)

The exit for the night, and not have a constant heading and without a destination set. Capable these looking for tranquility, that in your home does not have, tired of the fights daily, where you do not have a day that has a tranquility that will allow you to live comfortably, you feel overwhelmed, as a prisoner in your own home, watching all days behaviors that do not want to repeat, try to make a mental exercise, for such constant wrangling does not affect you! but the truth!, is that it is quite difficult, you have years living with those people who does not give you anything.   

Do you not realize the damage that make you?

It seems that does not import them, it seems you do not take into account. Is that are so concentrated in harming among them, who do not realize that suffers with that situation art thou, have not even bothered to ask, how do you feel? or do you need?, is there when ponder, and you feel that you are a person abandoned, where love is more than a mere word that has no meaning for them, and there you think, if life has been unfair to you, you start to blame for this situation so unpleasant, possibly the Hague, as possibly not, that is why sales by the nights without direction, looking for response in the tranquility and the silence of the night, but by more than you think, not finish to understand what happens to them, and because they are so capable is not because you have paid attention to the details, and it may be that in those details this the response to their behavior of animals. 

It may be that they are not the words listed, but it is you, you see so, these being sincere. Now, you have not thought to ask the reason for their attitudes, and how that affects you and somehow takes you to copy undesirable behaviors, which at the same time end up doing damage indirectly to people you love, it is not good to live so, sentenced to be like them, you have to find a way to change course, before it is too late ... 

A possible solution to this problem is not that you stay silent and let time pass, to see if it was fixed the problem only, no!, that would be your biggest mistake, believe that people can change without a professional help, capable is time to invite them to go with the family to the psychiatrist, do but there is something you braked truth?, they criticized and will tell you to go to this place, it is because you believe you are "crazy", oh well if!, that is what you think, but are looking for the most polite to tell you this, in your mind there is a fear that this situation does not change, you want to make them react, but possibly they are not willing to change, Because they are really not interested in doing so, but at the same time these aware that you must not force them to nothing, could it be that the only way is to give up? 

Possibly yes, but if they do not change and are not willing to make that little effort, then you must make decisions that will affect your life, and that at the end will change your destination for good or bad, you cannot continue passing the time, life is very short, these squandering opportunities, because you live in a home where were not respected and conformism is the order of the day. The best decision you can take is to go through that night without direction, and not go back more, capable is a difficult decision to take, but it is necessary, in the background you agree that you will be much better in another place, which enclosed in 4 walls of unrest. 

Follow me: @luisucv34

All images were taken from pixabay.com

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