Keeping My Child out of Foster Care, Because I Grew up in This System That Really Doesn't Care!!

A few weeks ago we were threatened by the Swedish state that if we did not send our child to school she would be put on the child protection services list and be taken into foster care.

Obviously, I was not going to let this happen for many reasons, One of the main reasons being that I grew up in foster care and I know what goes on once a kid gets put on a care order, this is the reason we packed our things and made a run for the nearest border.


Source, before edited on pixelLab.

Why is it so easy for the state to take children and
place them under care orders?

What happens to these Children once they are under
government "protection"?

Why do so many children from care end up hooked on drugs, in prison or commit suicide?


There are so many questions to be answered, so many stories to be told and so many lost souls to be found.

Being put on a care order or voluntary care, what's the difference?

My Mother put me in care, so I was not on a care order, this meant that my Mother had kind of a say in what happened to me. Being in voluntary care, it was also possible to visit my Family from time to time, this also meant that I usually got
placed in foster families instead of care homes.

Growing up in care is a lonely place to be and
I wouldn't wish it on anybody.

You could always tell within 20minutes of being placed with a foster family whether they were in it for the extra income or whether they actually cared and wanted to help.
Out of the 15 or so families I was placed with, I would say 1 of them
actually wanted to help and cared for me.

Making the best of a bad situation.

Although being in care can be a cold, dark and lonely place for any child, I count myself lucky for many reasons, the main one being that I never got sexually or physically abused in care, I often wondered why especially because so many of my friends from care did get abused on a regular basis. Was it because I was a tough little kid with a BIG mouth? from what other kids told me being placed on care orders meant you always got put in care homes and that meant there was a good chance you would be abused, I was not placed in care homes till I was older and by then no one would dare mess with me.

Stories that would give you nightmares.

A lot of what I know would give you nightmares which is why I have chosen to hold back as I don't believe this is the place, but I will say this, the people behind the abuse are working in networks, they are cold and calculated people who are most often too high up the ladder to ever be brought down, some wear masks to hide their identity, others are so confident that the children are too scared of the consequences to ever come forward.

I had a friend who I will not name out of respect, this friend was a giant of a man who at a glance looked like a real tough guy, but once you got to know him you quickly understood that this guy had been through some horrors, his Mother was a prostitute who was addicted to crack and his Father was a customer, so he didn't have the best start in life but the real trauma started when he was forcibly put on a care order, within a week of being placed in a care home the abuse started.

He had been systematically abused from the age of 7-14 when he finally plucked up the courage to run away, whenever he used to tell me the stories I would get so angry, I tried to convince him to tell me who was responsible but everytime I mentioned it, he turned into a frightened little boy who was scared of his own shadow, the fear in his eyes was enough to tell me this man would never reveal the people behind these atrocities.

Out of all the stories I have heard over the years from being in care I have chosen this one because even though his Mother was not the most loving and caring person on this planet, what happened to him in care was much more horrific than if he would have been at home with someone who despite her problems, she still loved her boy.

I hope now you can understand my anger towards these government officials who are so quick to take children from loving families.

I hope now you can understand why I have taken it so personally when they threatened to take our child simlpy because we had chosen to homeschool her.

I hope now you can understand why I am devoting some of my time to exposing these so called child protectors who tear families apart with such ease even though they are fully aware of what happens to them once they are in the governments "care."

I can no longer sit back and do nothing.

Since the threats we recived a few weeks ago there has been a fire burning inside me, For the first time in my life I feel that I can actually stand up against what is happening and start making some noise and since I dont have a job anymore I have nothing but time on my hands. We are all aware of these horrors that are happening and I believe its time to stand up for all these lost souls.

The world is waking up and we are becoming more aware of the way governments are treating their citizens, it may be hard to hear stories like these but believe me it's much harder to ignore them.

Peace and love to the World.


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