How to lose the desire to work (reading time arround 4 minutes)


Nice to meet you, i'm known here and in some other places like Marram (do not ask where the name came from) and work every day in an office from 7:00 am, approximately an hour's drive from my home.

In the city that I live in, which is Bogota, it is usual to find many cars and traffic in the morning, so it is better to live near the place of work, but because the need has dog face, you have to get up a bit more early, although This means supporting a fuller transportation than a church on doomsday.

It was 5:30 am, time I usually wake up, no problem, prepare clothes, bed, breakfast, brush my teeth, shower ... the water was cut in half of the shower, I waited a while and seeing that it did not return , I had to do something to get out.

In my desperation, looking for water to remove the remains of soap I opted to use the kitchen water, which my family would use to drink in the day. They would understand later if I told them, serious mistake ...

Shortly after I finished, my father woke up, went to the bathroom and turned on the tap ... the water just came back. You have to be a real ****** to bathe with the water ready to drink of all your family, having water, or at least that seemed. With an angry look, he returned to his bed without saying a word.

Finished this embarrassing moment and having dressed, I left near 6:20 am, 20 minutes late.

Arriving at the place where I wait for the transport I find that I had just passed, there was no problem, it usually takes 5 minutes to move on to the next one, but after 20 minutes I realized that if I kept waiting I would not get to work and without enough money in my pocket for a taxi. I took another bus that would leave me half way, easier to take another transport ... Second serious error of the day.

Standing, in a fully loaded transport, under someone else's armpit (who seems to have not taken a shower for a long time), I looked out the window as the bus I took was extremely slow, and we passed buses of the same route.

Arriving at my destination (halfway to the office where I work), I arranged to wait for the other transport to be able to arrive, not more than 10 minutes passed and the first thing that happened was ... the same ******* transportation I originally expected !!

I arrive at the office about an hour late, tired and desperate; I found the surprise that was necessary that we went to another place to do a job, they waited 30 minutes, but when i did not arrived, they went without me.

And now I'm here in the office, half-showered, with the smell of the bus-type armpit still impregnated in my nose, with nothing to do because the people with whom I had to work left, waiting for the scolding of my boss when he return In the afternoon, thinking how I will replace the time I arrived late and at the end of the day Awkwardly bring water home.

For the next time my day starts like this, I'll go back to my bed, turn on my computer, and prepare a resume to find another job.

If I wrote this was to relieve the day I am taking, other than I have nothing else to do until my colleagues return, I hope at least a little rejoice the day to someone who takes the time to read it.



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