Apocalypse - Bodies (An Original Fiction Story - Chapter 2 )

We were gathered in a Telemarketer Center in the basement of an office located in the downtown sector of the city. We know where the truck was located and felt like if, we took the alleys and be careful, we can make it there in another two hours. We have no guns only a fire axe and broken off chair legs for weapons. Most of our medical supplies were used after the raid Aid the injured and only a few painkillers and some goods were left remaining. We all slept as good as expected. Will's eyes were dark and red and he looked more to shuffle the normal. Asked him, If he was okay and he responded in a shaky voice "yeah yeah just ready to getout of here". That's all. "Good It'll be nasty in that Brad old son again" said coach with a smile. The family didn't seem to want to come with us better than just didn't understand. As we headed towards the door to the stairwell. I felt a tug on my sleeve it was the youngest daughter. she handed me a piece of paper. It was a drawing of all of us stick figures smiling. In the start, in front of a small little blue house.

she had a shower look on her face and as soon as I took the drawing, she started back to her mother. I just stared at it for a few moments before I looked up. She was hiding behind her mother with shy but playful expression. I smiled back as I folded the drying and put it in my back pocket. No words were needed yet I still managed to say "we'll be back for you" knowing they didn't understand a word I said. It was more for me than them at that point. we departed with a non mechana way, Up to five flights of stairs as we made our way to the top of the stairs while. I could tell coach is struggling. He had the heart but his body just wasn't what it used to be. So, we didn't complain. Once as we entered the building's lobby, We made our way to the entrance and was struck first by the smell. Smell Of Death filled the air. As we stepped on the streets we got our first visuals of what was left of our grand City. This guy was dark in the streets are littered with bodies. He couldn't take three steps without stepping on what was once someone mostly civilians. But with soldiers mixed in the carnage. 

"lookie lookie what we have here" said coach. Both me and will turned around to see coach prying a military assault rifle from one of the down soldiers hands. Soldier started slowly reaching for coaches legs. It didn't take long for Coach to check the magazine and put a bullet between the soldiers eyes. "Save me a place down there" he said. As he walked away from the soldiers dead body. "Search for weapons" Coach said and we started doing. So, they all had the same type of assault rifles. Must have been a infantry units sent to clear out, what was left of this sector of the city. "Animals all of them just got damn animals" said will, As he stood over the hundreds of dead before us. The roads were red and scattered with men,women and children even recognize some of them as shop clerks and neighbors. He said some final words for the deceased and carried on. Well, seems to know his way around this part of the city the most. So we decided to follow him. We made it about three blocks without saying a word, we were just absorbing everything in things human eyes were never meant to see. It had been 20 minutes we had walk now in complete silence before we heard gunshots and screaming up ahead. Me and will hit the ground but coach didn't even seem to flinch as you raised his weapon. About a block down you can see we look like two men fighting with a woman clutching her stomach on the ground. No, it couldn't be I thought is coach came down the sights and shot one of the men dead. We ran up to the couple now both on the ground. The man recognize this instantly, "we should the fucking left man, we didn't realize up fucked up everything was out here" said the man holding his bleeding wife. 

This was the pregnant couple who had left the telemarketer center days ago. His wife was laying on the ground with a bullet wound in her stomach. The man was trying to console her, she was drifting in and out of consciousness. His hands were covered in blood, as we were standing there helpless. will notice something "oh fuck i think her waters broke" said will dropping his gun to the ground of putting his hands over his mouth. what I said the man and complete surprise "no no no not now fuck okay honey" you went silent. And we realized that she had died. The man started lightly shaking his wife . He collapsed into her chest sobbing as we just stood there. "Get up son she's gone" said coach "fuck you" held the man "The baby I can still save the baby" The man frantically picked up a knife the soldier had strapped to his chest and began cutting open her stomach. The three of us step back in shock. Will fell to his knees and began puking. "Jesus Christ" said coach. The man was hysterically cutting open his wife stomach and searching for his child. This is horribly disturbing and sad as bloody mess was. I couldn't look away, The man was up to his elbows in blood intestines and he suddenly froze "no no no no". I looked over to see him pull his infant child from his wife's open stomach. The bullet that appears to stomach it also went straight through the infant's head. The man fell to his side holding a dead child crying spiritly. "fuck" said will the man turned to will as white as a ghost started crawling toward him still holding on to his infant child. 

"look we know we're truck is we're on our way there now you you can come with us we can get you out of the city" said will. The man didn't respond as, he continued to crawl towards them, he stopped just before wills feet. "look son I know what you're going to do right now is tough but we gotta Rogers waiting for us here let me help you" coach said. Coach approached the man is it to pull em up off the ground. The man quickly grabbed the gun and  aimed at coach. "whoa we're just trying to help you no need to point that thing at me stand off" maybe lasted a few seconds but felt like hours. "Come with us" said will . The man's gaze - from will to coach and back to will again before sank "I'll see you both soon before putting the gun in his mouth and pulling the trigger.

To be continued .....


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Chapter Three will be posted Tomorrow.

Did you missed the Previous chapter of this story? 

chapter - 1 

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