Robinson Crusoe –Saw the Wrecked Ship – Part-2

I hope you have enjoyed reading the first part of Robinson Crusoe. Next part continues……………

Although the tree was not fit for sleeping, Robinson, being so exhausted, slept with pleasure whole night. When he woke up in next morning, he found the day was shining with clear sky.  When he turned his eyes towards the sea, he saw the wreck of his ship standing very close to him. As soon as possible he wanted to reach at the place where the shipwreck was lying so that he could assemble the things which were in good condition.


Robinson knew that he would have to live for a long time in that remote Island, so he would have to manage food and cloth. He was thinking that some sailors would pass through the beach and they would save his life. But till then he would have to make a shelter which would protect him from the attack of wild animals and the cyclone. 

In search of food, he swam out to the shipwreck and went upward with the help of a hanging rope from the deck. He first went to storeroom to find some food and luckily, he found some biscuits that had not been spoiled in the sea water. He found many things in the ship that was in good condition and could be used. But the problem was that he required a boat to bring those usable things back to the shore. But the problem is that there was not a single boat in the ship. So he started to make a raft.


He took some large pieces of wood and tied them together with ropes and also some boards were tied across them. Finally after several hours the raft was ready to use. He found three large strong boxes in the ship. The first one was filled with rice, cheese, bread, dry meat and some bags carrying grain. While he was packaging all the things, he saw that the tide was coming again in slowly and washing away his cloths that were left on the beach. That’s why he filled the second box with cloths and the third box was filled with hammers, saws and other tools which he needed to build new home. He found some money too, but it had become useless for him. Nevertheless, he needed to have some weapons to protect himself against wild animals and to hunt animals for food. So, he took some shotguns, muskets, two pistols and one sword from the ship.


As he saw the tide was increasing, he loaded all three boxes on the raft quickly and moved towards the shore. He also found two cats and one dog in the ship. He loaded those animals on the raft to bring them back the home so that he could have some company on the remote Island. After he landed on the beach, he decided to make a shelter so that he could keep the boxes safely. He was not able to understand whether it was an Island or the coast of a country.  To be frightened of wild animals, he built a little tent using a sail which he found on the ship. And put all boxes inside tent so that it could be saved from the rain and sunlight. 


When he woke up the next morning, he climbed up a hill to look around the area where he had landed. He found the place was surrounded by the sea which proved it was an Island. He didn’t found any men or women or houses or animals except some birds there. He was unable to identify which one is edible. When he was returning back the home, he killed a large bird, which he found sitting on a tree, by a gunshot. It created a great noise that seemed it had never happened before in the Island. After listening the noise, hundreds of birds started to fly out over the Island. It seemed that they were crying and calling each other. 

Throughout the next thirteen days, he was searching the whole shipwreck and found many usable things like maps, a compass, ropes, cables, sails, canvas, a hammock, some bedding, a barrel of wet gunpowder, more edible food and clothing. He also found some gold coins in the ship. On that night a strong storm came again and moved the shipwreck away the beach. He was now alone in that unknown and remote place and had to assemble all the things somehow that he needed to live there. 


To record the time which he was spending in the Island, he fixed a long wooden post in the sand and every day he started to make a notch into it. Every seventh day he cut across all the earlier six notches to mark off the week. And the same rule he applied to record the months and years.  

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