My first novel serialised for Steemians - Original Content - Chapter 1 Part 4

My first novel – and therefore, my pride and joy (one of them); my first baby, Deadlier Than The Male – published in 2010 and for the first time, serialised in its entirety, exclusive for

If you’ve not read the first three parts, they are Here: Part 1

Here: Part 2

And Here: Part 3

“I said you’re fit aren’t you? I watched you jump the gate at the top of the hill.” A slight foreign accent tinted his voice.

“Oh, you’d been following me further than I thought then. Was that you on the top of the viaduct too?” she asked. She was quite calm and less scared than she had seemed a few seconds ago.

“Yes. I didn’t know if you’d seen me or not.” He sniffed her again, and said: “You are on your period.” He made the personal comment sound as though it was something that she would be unaware of.

“Am I?” She didn’t seem upset or annoyed that he had been so very intrusive with his statement. He grinned at her again, a leer in his eyes and on his smile.

Then she surprised him more by turning the conversation again. "You murdered those women, didn't you?"

"Yeah, that was me." He didn't even try to conceal the pride in his admission as he reminisced. He moved his other hand to clasp her coat, just above the top fastened button, ready to rip it away from her neck.

Through her blouse, the backs of his fingers were touching the delicate strap of her bra where it was sewn to the cup. Breathing deeply, he smelled her again, almost as though he was deciding whether to seduce or devour her. His head moved upwards from where he held her coat open at breastbone level. His face stayed very close to her skin, taking intimate pleasure in her smell. His senses were always heightened as he worked and he got an extra thrill from the added anticipation that he had acquired with this one.

Languishing in his task, relishing it, he moved his mouth toward hers.

"But you didn't rape them," she said, turning her face away from his as he moved his arm in order that he might continue upwards. She kept her eyes on him - and she now sounded like she was interrogating him.

"No I didn't, why do you say that? Are you making me an offer?" He leered as he pulled his head away. His curiosity at this woman's sudden calm made him want to carry on the conversation. After all, he was in no rush tonight. There was no danger of rescue because she had called for none and anyone passing who happened to glance up the alley would assume that they were lovers, impatient in their passion. So her coat was left with the collar intact - for now.

"Hardly," she smiled, but this time, her smile made him take stock of her a little better - she wasn't scared.

She was not begging or negotiating to be allowed to go, nor was she struggling, and yet she was in mortal danger, she had to realise that? Her arms were by her sides, the car keys in one pocket. Her gloves had been removed and were now in the other pocket. Her bag lay at her feet, but she had allowed it to drop there, she had not dropped it in panic. She was not as small as he had first thought; she must have been over five and a half feet tall. Although she was slim, she was not weak; she had good musculature - toned muscles that he could feel even through her coat.

Her manner - the new confidence bordering on arrogance - was beginning to irritate him; she should be damned well scared by now, at least screaming her head off, even pissing her pants.

This was not as much fun as it had been last night, or the previous times. She was spoiling his enjoyment!

"Fuck this," he growled, "you need a fright to get you going!"

With that, he let go of her coat and stood upright, away from her and the wall that he had been trapping her against. He half hoped she would try to make an attempt at escape now that he had let her go.

His full height of six feet, two inches was impressive, as was his body which was sleek and toned under his silk shirt. Her eyes were locked on his as his entire face began to alter. The skin and muscles were independent of the bone structure beneath yet were following the same path. His features rippled as his skin then began to change its texture. He knew what he looked like, he'd spent time practicing this - just like a wannabe pop star does.

Though rather than dancing around the bedroom with the obligatory make-believe microphone, he had instead watched his own transformation. He had studied this process, studying his own face in the mirror countless times until he had perfected this elaborate and terrifying metamorphosis. He had worked hard for each of his victims’ benefit, making their ordeal as shocking as possible - after all, it would be their last experience.

His forehead changed and flattened - as did the slope of his cranium - the hairline moving forward. At the same instant, his mouth began to protrude from his face, bringing the nose with it and elongating his jaw. The teeth moved by themselves to fill the new jaw, they became longer and pointed - a visible and lethal sharpness as his lips drew back from them. His hairline was continuing forward - like water burbling over shale - down his face, changing texture as it enveloped skin. The hair passed over his jaw line and down his throat on into the open collar of his shirt. His eyes turned from dark brown to preternatural yellow as the hair sprouted along his lengthened nose. Then, as the transformation of his face had finished, his tongue, glistening with saliva, touched the tip of one front fang in a final and theatrical gesture.

The face of the full moon watched over this horrifying tableau and still the woman’s gaze never faltered.

Giving up on the html links for the moment – my head is spinning lol
Just in case you read all that without checking the links at the top, here they are:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3 – no, don’t argue, I know what it says, but trust me… (this is why my head is spinning)

3 columns
2 columns
1 column