How Steemit Has Improved My Inner Self: Contest Entry

My first couple weeks on Steemit has brought back my inspiration and drive. I was feeling uninspired, listless and a little hopeless. I didn't see a way that I could do what I do and make any kind of impact on the world, let alone enough income to provide for my coming child. I had gotten to the point where I seriously questioned, "What is the point of even doing my art?" I mean, I enjoy doing my art... but if I couldn't get it in front of a large audience, and I couldn't make enough money to cover my expenses in life, then what was I doing? It is hard to enjoy anything, when I am anxious and worried about "getting by".

Enter the world of Steemit. I had actually heard about this platform about 6 months ago, but never looked into until a couple weeks ago. I was immediately impressed by the amount of creative content and so I eagerly wrote my introduction post. Not much reception, so I wrote another. And another. Within a couple hours of sharing my art, I started to receive encouraging comments, a couple upvotes and some followers! I got very excited. I started to imagine the possibilities. I started to look through old photos of my art. I started to remember what made me paint those pictures, in the first place.

I do my art, so that I can connect with my intuition. I create, so that I can share. I share, so that I can connect with others.

Steemit has revealed to me, my biggest creative blocks. Fear. Fear of failure, fear of success. Fear that if I give it my all and I fail, then there is nothing left for me. This platform has changed the way I perceive the value of my art. It is not just a way to make ends meat. It is a deeper expression of myself, my intentions. I am creating a grid-pattern. Every piece that I put out there, is connected to my inner hopes, dreams and aspirations for a better world. Those that connect with my art, are connecting to that greater image...To the possibility that each one of us can be the change we wish to see in this world.

I feel very empowered. I might not ever be a whale, but I have already gained so much through this experience. I feel the hope and possibility of my childhood, before I let the world convince me that being an artist is too hard. I don't have to starve. I am striving. I don't have to die to be acknowledged, there are already so many people that have enjoyed my art, shared my vision!

Thank you, steemit! Below is a painting called "Connection" It is of me and my brother, when were children. I feel it is a fitting illustration to how I feel steemit has improved my inner self. I hope you enjoy!


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