Who is your favorite hero? / 你心中的英雄是谁?

Everyone has a hobby, I would like to ask who is your favorite hero? Maybe someone will answer @dan, @ned, Jobs,Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg,Because they are rich, business successful people,the movie stars, such as Bruce Lee, Stallone, etc.

每个人都有一个爱好,我想问下你们心中的偶像是谁? 也许有人会回答dan, ned,乔布斯, 比尔盖兹,马克·扎克伯格, 因为他们是成功的人,也谁有人喜欢电影明星,比如李小龙,史泰龙等等

No, they are not my hero, you may ask who is the hero in my heart? I want to tell you that I do not like the above these successful people will make money,My idol is Bear Grylls,He is a British adventurer,He is my favorite.

不,他们都不是我心中的英雄, 你们可能会问那你心中的英雄是谁?
我要告诉大家的是,我不喜欢上面这些会赚钱的成功人士, 我的偶像是贝尔·格里尔斯, 一位有着实战经验的英国冒险家,他是我心中的偶像

Why do I like him, not wealthy people? I like outdoor sports, often with friends outdoors,We need to learn a lot of experience of outdoor survival,Bear Grylls He taught me a lot,In the absence of tools such as how to light a fire situation, how to get clean water, how to make a safety rope section, the night how anti-wildlife, outdoor emergency situation how to deal with, etc.

我为什么会喜欢他, 经常和朋友们一起户外运动,需要学习很多户外生存的经验, 贝尔·格里尔斯,虽然他拍摄的许多为了节目需要,但很真实,他教会了我很多,以前我连个户外账棚都不会搭,现在我学会了很多,比如如何在没有工具的情况下生火,如何获取干净的水源,怎样打一个安全绳节,夜晚怎样防野生动物,户外遇到紧急情况怎样处理,等等

Bear Grylls is a madman, he to eat raw foods, to eat insects , drink his own urine,You dare to do it?
In the survival environment, I will do

贝尔·格里尔斯是一个狂人,生的食物他敢吃,虫子也敢吃,自己的尿也喝,你们敢不敢,在求生的环境下,我也敢, 我们俱乐部的成员都说我是疯子, 我们是有很多疯子, 我们目前做的都是探险,有准备的活动,而不是冒险

Now I get a lot of courage, can be alone on a desert island life,I am a man fishing on the island, encountered a wild boar at night, I learned to use the method, get rid of them.


We not only learn steemit, learn to work, but also to learn survival skills, perhaps one day the Earth's environment becomes bad, I also have the ability to survive. Of course, as long as 2012 is not a scene in a movie, it would only wealthy tyrant, such as dan , ned they have money to buy tickets, Aha ha :)

我们不仅要学习steemit, 学会工作,更要学习生存技能,或许某天地球环境变得很糟, 我也有了求生的本事. 当然,只要不是2012电影中的场面,那只有钱的土豪,比如dan,ned他们有钱买到船票, 哈哈

If you love Bear Grylls, you can followed His album on youtube,If have the opportunity to Bear Grylls together, it would be very lucky

Enjoy :)
following me at @MyFirst

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