Marien, the musician: A story of not giving up despite all the suffering! (ORIGINAL)

The most of the times in life we want to do great things, these things require a great and consistent effort from the person who wants to achieve it. 

I have always said that the bigger and greatest things in life are very difficult to get, and that is why people need to insist in their effort to make those things happen. 

Some people get this and some people don't, that's a real difference between these two kind of people.

And that's what this story is about. 

Marien was normal girl, 22 years old living alone in the worse part of the city because of her low amount of money, she was almost in bankrupt. She was raised by a single mom until this one passed away by an car accident when Marien was 17 years old. Both were living by themselve with no family near, and since her mom's death, Marien was going through a very hard time. They were pretty closed each other, that made the situation even harder for her when her mom died, it was like a heavy punch in the face. 

She didn't have the money enough to pay university education, all she had was her guitar and a watch which his mom left to her before getting killed. She was working on a restaurant as a waitress earning no more than 1200 $ per month. She was using almost all that money to pay the rent of her house and to buy all the food she was going to eat that moth. Only few dollars were remaining in her bank account. 

Nevertheless, since her childhood she always dreamed about being a famous singer, after all, she always had heard that famous singers were earning big amounts of money all the time and that's was something she really liked. 

Marien was pretty good at playing the guitar and singing already, but the only thing she didn't have at the time was an opportunity to prove her worth at the musical industry. At the TV, there was reality shows which were making amateur singers into rich superstars. She had seen that many winners of several didn't have much talent as she believed she had, despite being ignored all the years before. 

One day she made the decision of joining one audition in order to prove the things she could do with her voice and guitar. She was practicing everyday to perform better the day of the audition, she even made a song for the judge. 

The day of her audition, she was pretty nervous due to this was the first time at doing this. She had never felt that way before, all the competitors were really looking so relaxed and that made her feel more nervous. When she was in the stage ready to perform, she almost cried because of the nervous she was and of course, it wasn't a great performance for her and didn't qualify to next round. 

Marien felt so depressed due to the result, but she didn't like the life she was living that time and tried one more time to perform in another audition. All because she didn't want to live in the misery for all her life and the musical industry could offer better ways of living, so... What the hell? 

The second one wasn't really so different than the first, the nerves were killing her once again. But this time, one of the judges told her to quit definitively because he thought she didn't have any talent for music. This almost made her to give up on her dream. Crying at her house, she remembered some words that her mom told her one time. "Don't ever give up on the things you really want, the reward taken from our most wished things are totally worth all the suffering, keep doing it until you achieve it". 

Those words said by her mom gave her strength to go ahead, although the judge told her to quit because she didn't have any talent. 

She continued practicing and participating in several auditions time after time, failing over and over again. But with the time, she was feeling more confident in front of the judges and the public. No matter if she was failing once again, she felt that the practice and the perseverance were going to give good results one day. Marien trusted in her mother's wise words. 

One day after more than 25 tries to impress the judges, Louis, an important representative of a famous label had seen her for the last 5 times she was singing in the different auditions. He was really impressed by the potential great voice she could have one day with practice and help, so he told her to meet 3 days later. Marien was really excited because finally it seems like the great opportunity had come true.

The day they met in a restaurant, Louis told her to record a song in a studio with the complete editing set. Of course, she accepted his offer and went to the studio so as to show them what she was capable of. The day arrived and she was ready to perform, all the nerves seemed to be away from her as Marien amazed everyone in the studio and they didn't even know that she was able to play the guitar as well, they were only listening at his voice. 

After recording the song and listening it time after time, Louis had decided to offer her a contract for a million dollars, all she needed to do was the thing she wanted to do since her childhood. The day of Marien's first concert, she dedicated it to his dead mom, after all, her wise words of not giving up made Marien to go ahead through all the adversities and difficulties in order to achieve the most wished thing by her. At the end of the concert, she cried because of this. 

The lesson of this story is to never give up when the goal is big enough. When it is about our bigger dreams, all the pain and suffering will be totally worth it. So, why would you give up so quick? Don't do that and keep marching on, sooner or later you'll be well rewarded.

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