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The Aquarium Pet Shop in Wisconsin Rapids

This shop is in the same spot where the arcade had been from the early 1980s to about 2005. It left town 10 years ago and has been replaced with this pet shop owned by a friend of mine from church group. Sadly the kids have not had an arcade in my city for over 10 years. But when I become financially successful I will be building a virtual reality arcade with organic salad bar and drinks! Who cares, let's look at some cute animals!

Who's this cute animal? Why that's Noganoo with some ferrets. It is difficult to get a good shot on cell phone with young ferrets that are bouncing off the walls.


The best (and only) pet shop in town, The Aquarium.


I call this one "Blockchain" and unlike Bitcoin he is good at Scaling. XD


Here is a mini-ferret called a mouse, and if you train enough of them great things can be achieved.


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Supplies abound in the pet shop, it looks like home to me.


Just chillin' on a rock, holmes.


These birds live a long time, like up to 100. Imagine what they see? They should be implanted with chips to record it in my opinon. A lot of history in one of these little guys.


When he got wind of my idea to implant him with a chip he bit the camera and knocked it out of my hands. I guess this bird is just old fashioned.


Birds are so cute, aren't they? It is easy to tell the expression on their faces. You can tell by this bird's eyes that it is happy.


This bird is molting! New feathers will come soon.


I believe this is a dove. It is interesting that the Holy Spirit in the Bible was described as coming down like a dove.


I love all the beautiful colors of the birds. When I get my own house someday I'll get a talking bird and teach it to post on Steemit.


Thank you so much for checking out my Pet Store review. Remember to follow! God bless you all and the lives of your families this year in the name of Jesus!


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