A Robot With A Learning Disability-Short Story Contest

Jimmy the robot always new something was a little bit different about him, but it wasn't until after his 5th birthday that he found out.

It was his first day at Robot high and he was walking to school with his friend Jeremy.

"What programs do you think we will learn Jeremy?" Asked Jimmy.

"I hope I learn some combat programs!" Said Jeremy as he punched the air.

"I'm hoping to learn some driving skills!"

"Well we will just have to wait and see!" Said Jeremy as he walked through the automatic doors.

Over Robocom they told everyone where to go. Immediately they saw the directions for where to go as it appeared on their heads-up display.

"It says that I am headed to Mrs. Delight's room!" Jimmy said.

"Oh that's too bad, I'm not, I'm going to Mister Roberts."

"Well I will see you after school then" Said Jimmy.

Jimmy started his small trek over to his new classroom. It only took him about a minute to get there do to the great design of the school. On the way there he noticed that most of the other robots were heading the same direction that Jeremy was. He asked one and said that he was going to Mister Sword's room and with a quick glance at his map he found out it was indeed right next to Mister Roberts room.

When he finally got there he sat down in one of the seats. The teacher wasn't there at the moment so he decided to start up a conversation with the other five robots in the room.

"Hello, My name is Jimmy!"

"My name is Derek. I am here because I can't spell, why are you here?" Said one robot.

"Um... because this is the classroom where I was assigned."

At that moment Mrs. Delight came in.

"Hello students! You are all here for a reason. It might be because you can't perform certain tasks, or because you can't load programs. I would like each of you to tell us why you are here and and your name."

"I am Derek and I can't spell anything."

One by one the robots went around telling their name and what they were there for, until it was Jimmies turn.

"I'm Jimmy and I'm here because..." Jimmy says as he looks and sees that it now says he has a memory deficiency. "... I have a memory deficiency"

"Oh that's great you will only need about a month here, and then you will be back with the normal kids!"

Normal kids? Jimmy thought "I'm not normal?!

To be Continued...

This post is an entry for @mctiller's contest which you should check out right here: @mctiller/writers-win-5-steem-usd25-usd-in-the-24-hour-short-story-contest-topic-3-for-january-31

Remember, God is awesome, have a great day, and thanks for reading!

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