Between Life & Death - A Girl Living In The Middle Of War ( An Original Story - Chapter 3 : Where All Begin )

An original story about myself when I was a kid and how the life was when my country was in the middle of war. It's the second series that I am writing, but it focuses on a child living in the midst of war, that's why I called it Between Life & Death. The first series "Rejected Since Childhood" focused on my life at schools with classmates it was written from the first point of view while this one I have written it using the third point of view since I have found it easier to narrate the story.

My motive is not to grow sympathy for me but instead, I am just showing the reality as it is for children whose living with war condition in their countries. Consider circumstances to be even tougher than mine that I have experienced in my life. Hope reader will get out with something to carry on after reading this story. 

If you missed the first two chapters you can click here & here

After that incident with the dog she used to play with, her conclusion was that neither the house or the dog were abandoned. There were a couple of changes that happened to the streets that the girl usually takes with her brother whenever they go to school. “The four streets” is an area where it combined four roads all together with different directions and it’s separated with beautiful green trees. She used to walk through them to reach the main road that contains all schools from kindergarten to high school. There was no place for a pedestrian to cross safely to the other side. The sudden change was on the road that contains all schools; it has been closed with big, thick walls that no human being can cross no matter how much tall he is. There was a small hole for kids to walk through to reach their schools. Well, they have placed that wall so that no vehicle would be able to enter that road. Also, police officers were surrounding it to make sure kids stay safe from any event that might occur under such condition for the country. Well, there is another way to reach school with a car; they could use other roads from the opposite side of the street. It was the first day for her to begin the series of uncomfortable scenes.  

There was a house in the corner of the street that the school in; it was beside the massive wall that blocks the road. This house has a kind of evil spirit you could say; they could feel it every time they cross beyond. The home was closed for investigation as she could conclude from the yellow rolls that been placed on the front door. The new thing about it this time that there was a sign that been put in the front garden of the house. The sign say, ‘If you touch the ground you will be dead.’ “should I try it? Like they don’t mean it”, the girl said. Then she took a moment to rethink her thoughts. She decides to forget about this idea and completes her way with her brother to school. Curiosity finds it’s way to her mind, and she starts thinking about what happened in that house. Asking people around was her only way to find out some clues about that home. She discovered that two people were living in that house with a maid, and someday they catch her stealing from the house, and immediately she killed them and then killed herself. The only thing that she couldn’t figure out was the reason for the sign to be there. It was scary somehow to pass by that corner almost every day, but it was the fastest way to reach the school.

While the war still going on in the country, the electricity was an issue that bothers all nation as all. Generators was an essential tool for every home to make sure they have some back up if they need energy suddenly. Light at night was the only need indeed for all people. They need to see each other at home and outside in case something happens. Otherwise, everything could be done without the need of electricity at all. The temperature was high enough to heat the water for a family as all to shower.

It was expensive to have one of those generators and what make it even harder is the fuel that they need to buy to make it function. So they have to turn it on just when they need to do so. One day when the girl family was living temporarily in her grandfather's house, an accident occur. Strange noises were heard from the backyard, and it was enough to wake everyone in the house. It sounded as if a wild animal is wandering in the back. The mother was scared so she took the kids away from the sound and they set their uncle to check what’s happening there. They found a guy whose acting crazy as if he lost his mind. The neighbors were close enough to know what's going on, and they act immediately with the surrounding. The guys jumped from the wall to surprise the man, and so the uncle did from the back door. The stranger starts running away from the other side where it leads to the front door, and he managed to escape. They found out later that he was a psycho that happens to end up in their house by coincidence, and thankfully no one had to get hurt from such an incident.  

Thanks for reading :)

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