The Mirrored Ledge (Original)

Will pride lead me to the water's edge
On a path of pressed flowers,
Peppered and patterned to frame the cliff
Beyond which only imitation speaks?

Can I find in such literal reflection
A hint to decouple mystery from pain,
Seduction from guilt, roars from lions,
Or do I fashion too simple a map?

There may be here a clue staring at me,
The glassy surface need not beguile
Nor lie to any single being,
What I see is what I get.

I fear too long I've slumped in repose
Wondering at the bowl of glitter
That each night sparkles isolation,
The surest beauty between two points.

I gazed too long at images in reverse,
Learning to read from right to left
And what I had mistaken for faces
Were really only the backs of heads.

And for this I think I shall never look at mirrors again.

Gifs sourced from GIPHY
words sourced from the heart.

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