The story of ego

Ego was playing outside. It was haughty, and very naughty indeed. It never listened to others. Peace, love, happiness, charity, and joy among others lived in the same house but they never could get along with ego. Ego was like that always, always had been. The way ego was treated by others was in no way doing any good either. Everyone was treated well but ego wanted special attention and care. Ego wanted extra servings, ego wanted every new item that was bought and brought into the house.

Why was ego like that? No one knew. Ego used to be self-contained which meant that ego was always praising itself. It never praised others nor recognized other people’s efforts and achievements. Well, everyone had had enough of ego. They decided to throw ego off from the house. They planned and one day decided to tell ego that it was no longer accepted as a member of the house. They confronted ego. Ego put up a great fight but then peace, love, happiness, and joy had joined hands and with the support of charity and unselfishness, threw ego away and it went off in search of another house where it could be friends with pride and selfishness and greed.


The moment ego left the house, peace and love celebrated along with happiness and joy. Together they baked a cake of harmony and invited the neighbors like friendship and kindness. All of them had a great time.

This is a symbolic representation of our own human life where the house can be compared to our mind. If we cross out the I and throw away the ego, then we will have happiness and love in our lives and all the good things will return to our life. As we grow up, we lose many things along the way. It is time to rekindle the goodness in our selves.

I had written this a few years back and had stored it in a folder. Hope you like it. Please share it if so.


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