I, Jokul... (A Microbe's Tale)

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They thought they had found the solution to overpopulation, and they were right. What they didn't know was that it came at a price, a price not worth paying, not even at the risk of overpopulation...
My name is Jokul, you may know me as Element Q, and this is the story of how they found me...

For centuries we had all been in hibernation, a special breed of micro beings upon whose existence mother earth depended. We had no choice; our destinies though different, were similar in that it dictated that we live, and hibernation was a near certain way to fulfill that destiny. And everything was perfect; we lived and mother survived. Through plagues and pestilence, we sustained mother and her many inhabitants, until that fateful day three years ago, when my cryo sleep was broken...

Even in deep sleep I had foreseen it, when Quora, or Element N as they now call her, had appeared to me. She always meant trouble, and in my subconscious state I had offered a silent plea that she steer clear of the blue microbes. I had beseeched her for Mother's sake, as contact would result in the breaking out of many of us from hibernation. An event that would put mother's life at risk. My pleas had proved futile, and exactly one month later I was summoned, along with thousands of others...

For weeks I resisted the effects of interacting with the volatile ones amongst us, and I told any microbe who cared for mother to resist as well. But the inhabitants of mother earth were to prove our downfall. They lumped as many of us together without mercy, and many a microbe lost their true nature. Friendly elements became volatile, and volatile ones became more proactive. Even the strongest amongst us fell to consistent probing, still the humans never stopped.
Accidents came and went, a few volatile microbes even went wild and set out on a killing spree, wiping out entire chunks of humans, and I secretly hoped that the humans would learn. But they never did, if anything it only made them more determined...

And about a week ago, their determination led them again to me, and after three years of continuous fighting I was too weak to resist this time. So I let them in to my inner force, and how it must have made them proud. They called me Element Q, the final cure for their teeming population problems. But little do they know, for I would be the beginning of their end...

Today they set out to test me, and I have but one last wish...

That when you tell the story, do not tell that it was the work of that Dr. Einstein, the famous human who never stopped probing us. But tell it as it happened; that when all was done and dusted, and the human population problems were gone, that It was I Jokul who terminated mother earth...

Yes, tell everyone that It was I...



Written for @calluna's Tell a Story to me Contest


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